Galois cohomology

Lectures are 10:30--12:30 on Mondays, from 04/10/21 to 01/11/21.

Location: South Wing, 9 Garwood Lecture Theatre, UCL.

Lectures will be in-person, and due to the location it will not be possible to record them. Lecture notes will be made available before the course starts. If you would like to take this course but are unable to or would prefer not to attend the lectures, please feel free to contact me to discuss options for facilitating your participation. In particular, there is also a separate page for additional discussion inbetween lectures, and if you are taking the course but haven't been emailed a link for this page, do let me know.

Lecture notes: here. Comments, corrections and questions welcome!


Serre, Galois cohomology

Cassels and Fröhlich, Algebraic number theory

Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg, Cohomology of number fields

Gille and Szamuely, Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology.