Forgotten Garden Quotes

Writing and storytelling are at the heart of The Forgotten Garden. So, while it wasn't my favorite book of all time, it did have some great quotes!

As an only child, Cassandra found the well-worn paths of sibling interaction and horrifying in equal parts.


Mother didn't understand that children aren't frightened by stories; that their lives are full of far more frightening things than those contained in fairy tales.


"Like the Michelangelo sculpture in Florence….I got goose bumps the first time I saw a picture of that knee emerging from the marble. As if the figure had been trapped inside all along, just waiting for someone with enough skill to come and release him."


“My name is Eliza.”

“And mine is Davies.”

“You’re very old.”

“As old as me little finger and a bit older than me teeth.”


"They had money, but don’t you go talking about class."


Indeed, the more she wrote, the louder the stories seemed to grow, swirling in her mind, pressing against her head, anxious for release.


“Life’d be a lot easier if it were like a fairy tale,” said Cassandra, “if people belonged to stock character types.”

“Oh, but people do, they only think they don’t. Even the person who insists such things don’t exist is a cliché: the drear pedant who insists on his own uniqueness!”

Cassandra took a sip of wine. “You don’t think there’s any such thing as uniqueness?”

“We’re all unique, just never in the ways we imagine.”


"You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.”