

This site is for geo-visualization of international aid data using Fusion tables and other tools.

Here is a page that shows the donor fnded projects with their details in here:

Aid Visualization. This will take you to a live map. You can click at a dot and get the details. Please note that these dots do not represent a real location on ground. However, these dots are used to represent the projects and their donors at a district level. These dots are pseudo-locations. Pseudo locations are used to understand the spatial distribution of projects with a polygon as a reference unit (here, district). The benefits of pseudo locations are that they help in generating maps with distinct symbols, unlike centroid based project distribution mapping, where online querry is great, but symbolization on a paper map from centroid data requires re-distribution of the points to pseudo-locations again.

Please goto File Cabinet for data and learning materials, so you can create your own fusion tables using the resources provided at this site.


If you would like to read an article on Open Data, here is the link.
