Guanyu Hu 胡冠宇
Email: Center for Spatial Temporal Modeling for Applications in Population Sciences, Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030
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My work is supported by NSF BCS-2152822 (co-PI), NSF DMS-2412923 (DMS-2210371) (solo PI), and NSF SES -2412922 (SES-2243058) (lead PI).
Welcome to join 2025 ISBA EAC Conference
Research Interests:
Statistical Theory & Methodologies: Spatial Statistics, Spatial Point Process, Bayesian Computation, Bayesian Nonparametric, Bayesian Variable Selection, Big Data Inference, and Survival Analysis.
Statistical Applications: Clinical Trials, Sports Analytics, Spatial Econometrics, Environmental Statistics, and Educational and Psychological Measurement.
I am an associate editor for Biometrics, Annals of Applied Statistics, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Statistics and its Interface, and the New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science.
This website includes information on my current research, past research, publications, teaching, and presentations.
Recent News and Upcoming Events
Congratulations to Tianyu Pan on winning IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award, IBM Student Research Award, and EAC-ISBA 2022 Best Poster Award
Congratulations to Yimeng Ren on winning Best Paper Award of the 2021 International Workshop on Statistical Theory and Related Fields
Congratulations to Xiyuan Gao on winning ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium Student Paper Award
ggbasketball: ``ggplot2'' based visulization of basketball data is released on github.
The paper A Bayesian nonparametric approach for handling item and examinee heterogeneity in assessment data has recently been accepted by British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
The paper Bayesian Spatial Cluster Signal Learning with Application to Adverse Event has recently been accepted by the Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
The paper Are Made and Missed Different? An analysis of Field Goal Attempts of Professional Basketball Players via Depth Based Testing Procedure has recently been accepted by the Annals of Applied Statistics
The paper A Nonparametric Bayesian Item Response Modeling Approach for Clustering both Item and Persons Simultaneously has recently been accepted by the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
The paper A Continuous-Time Stochastic Process for High-Resolution Network Data in Sports has recently been accepted by Statistica Sinica
The paper Functional Causal Inference with Time-To-Event Data has recently been accepted by Statistics in Biosciences
The paper Are Intersectoral GDP Contributions Similar with Nearby States? A Semi-Model Based Spatial Cluster Analysis has recently been accepted by Applied Economic
The paper Flexible Bayesian Spatial Modeling for Unknown Missing Data Mechanism in Survey Analysis: an Application to the Chinese General Society Survey has recently been accepted by Annals of Applied Statistics
The paper Bayesian nonparametric clustering with feature selection for spatially resolved transcriptomics data has recently been accepted by Annals of Applied Statistics