Retiree Appreciation Day - July 13, 2024, Seaside, California

The U.S. Army is hosting a Retiree Appreciation Day for all services in Seaside, California on July 13, 2024.  See details here.

New ID Cards

The Department of Defense is updating it's ID cards to meet moderns security requirements, including those issued to retirees.  The capability to issue the new Next Generation Uniform Services ID Card will continue to be introduced at ID card issuing facilities during 2024.  Existing ID cards are valid until expired, so there's no need to make an appointment just to get a new card.

Coast Guard MyCG - Modernizing Organizational Communications

Visit MYCG, an authoritative source for organizational news and resources.

Coast Guard Retiree Newsletter

The CG Retiree Services Program is pleased to partner with the National Coast Guard Museum Association (NCGMA) to preserve the retiree newsletter in print form as the newly published Long Blue Line magazine.  To ensure you continue to receive the magazine, be sure to keep your mailing address up to date by accessing your Direct-Access Self-Service account at:, "View/Change Mailing Address."   Please also click on "Change My Delivery Options" and ensure the block labeled "I elect to receive the Retiree Newsletter by mail" is checked.  If you encounter difficulties and need further assistance, please contact CG PPC, Retiree & Annuitant Services at: 866-772-8724, or by e-mail at:  For current and archived versions of the newsletter, visit the CG-13 Newsletter Archives site.

California Veterans Benefits Summary

Attached below is the California-specific excerpt from a state-by-state breakdown of Veterans benefits.  Another source of California Veterans benefits is the site:

CG National Retiree Help Desk (NRHD)

The CG NRHD has a toll free number: (833)224-6743

The National Retiree Help Desk (NRHD) Help Desk is available to assist and / or to answer any questions that a retiree or a retiree spouse has regarding benefits (other than those relating to pay), health care issues, assistance in obtaining important forms and/or papers, etc. 

Contact by phone or e-mail:

Questions concerning pay should be directed to the Pay & Personnel Center's Retiree and Annuitant Services (PPC (RAS) Branch