Dr. Naveen Kumar Jain
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Aryabhatta college
University of Delhi
Ph. D. (Complex Analysis), University of Delhi, 2013
Supervisor: Prof. V. Ravichandran & Prof. B. K. Dass
M. Phil. (Mathematics), University of Delhi, 2007
M. Sc. (Mathematics), University of Delhi, 2004
B. Sc. (Mathematics), University of Delhi, 2002
Main Research field
Complex Analysis
Geometric Function Theory
Meghna, Ph.D. (09/2019-), Coursework
Shalini Rana, Ph.D. (25/02/2021-), Coursework
Ayush Kumar, Ph.D.(23/11/2023-), Coursework
Swati Anand, Ph.D. (09/2019-12/12/2023), Coefficient and Radius Estimates for Certain Subclasses of Analytic functions.
M Phil
Soniya, M.Phil (26/02/2021-27/02/2024), The Radius Problems for Analytic Univalent Functions with Fixed Second Coefficient.
Shalu Yadav, M Phil (09/2017-02/2019), Bohr's Radius for Classes of Analytic Functions
Shalini Rana and Naveen Kumar Jain, Improved Bohr phenomenon for certain classes of analytic functions, Submitted.
Accepted/Under Revision
Meghna Sharma, Naveen Kumar Jain, and Sushil Kumar, Constrained Radius Estimates of certain analytic functions, Preprint.
Sushil Kumar, Swati Anand, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Generalized radius problems for quotient functions having fixed second coefficient, Submitted.
Sushil Kumar, Swati Anand and Naveen Kumar Jain, Hankel and symmetric Toeplitz determinants for Sakaguchi starlike functions. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 69(3), 517–534. Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI, zbMATH. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbmath.2024.3.04
Meghna Sharma, Sushil Kumar, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Starlikeness of analytic functions using special functions and subordination. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 30, 55 (2024).Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI, zbMATH. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40590-024-00630-7
Meghna Sharma, Sushil Kumar, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Differential Subordination implications for Certain Caratheodory functions, Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai Mathematica, 68(2023), no. 4, 775– 787. Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI, zbMATH . http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/subbmath.2023.4.07
Om Ahuja, Asena Cetinkaya, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Analytic functions with conic domains associated with certain generalized q-integral operator, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 38 (2023), No. 4, pp. 1111–1126 (Scopus, ESCI). https://doi.org/10.4134/CKMS.c230002
S. Anand, N. K. Jain and S. Kumar, Normalized analytic functions with fixed second coefficient. J Anal 31, 1917–1938 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-022-00544-5 (Impact factor:0.8)(Scopus, ESCI)
Shalini Rana, Om Ahuja, Naveen Kumar Jain, Radii Constants for Functions with Fixed Second Coefficient, Mathematics 2022, 10(23), 4428 ((Impact Factor:2.592.)
Swati Anand, Naveen Kumar Jain, and Sushil Kumar, Certain Estimates of Normalized Analytic Functions, Math. Slovaca 72 (2022), No. 1, 85–102. (Impact Factor: 0.996.) https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2022-0006
Om Ahuja, Asena Cetinkaya, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Mittag-Leffler Operator Connected with Certain Subclasses of Bazilevic Functions, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2022, Article ID 2065034, 7 pages. (Impact factor: 0.971 ). https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2065034.
Meghna Sharma, Sushil Kumar, and Naveen Kumar Jain, Differential Subordinations for Functions with Positive Real Part Using Admissibility Conditions, Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 2250066, 22 .
Swati Anand, Naveen Kumar Jain, And Sushil Kumar, Sharp Bohr Radius Constants for Certain Classes of Analytic Functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), 44(2021), no. 3, 1771-1785. Impact factor: 0 .843.
Om Ahuja, Swati Anand and Naveen Kumar Jain, Bohr Radius problems for some classes of analytic functions using quantum calculus approach, Mathematics 2020, 8(4), 623. Impact Factor: 1.747 .
Naveen Kumar Jain and Shalu Yadav, Bohr Radius for Certain Analytic Functions, In: Deo N., Gupta V., Acu A., Agrawal P. (eds) Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory. ICRAPAM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 306. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Bohr radius for classes of analytic functions, Results in Mathematics, Volume 74 (2019), Issue 4, Article 179. Impact factor: 1.229.
Nak Eun Cho, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Convex combination of analytic functions with identity functions, Open Mathematics, Volume 15 (2017), no. 1, pp. 331-339. Impact factor: 0.83.
Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Radius problems for product and convolution of univalent functions, Honam Journal of Mathematics, Volume 38, (2016), number 4, 701-724 .
Naveen Kumar Jain, V. Ravichandran and Kanika Sharma, Starlike functions associated with a cardioid, Afrika Mathematica, Volume 27(2016), Issue 5, pp 923–939.
Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, On the largest disc mapped by sum of convex and starlike functions, Applied and Abstract Analysis, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 682413, 12 pages. Impact factor: 1.463.
Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, On the radius constants for classes of analytic functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), Vol. 36 (2013), no. 1, 23-38. Impac factor: 1.106
Rosihan M. Ali, Nak Eun Cho, Naveen kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Radii of starlikeness and convexity of functions defined by subordination with fixed second coefficients, Filomat, Vol. 26 No 3 (2012), 553–561. Impact factor 0 .966
Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Radii of starlikeness associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli and the left-half plane, Applied Mathematics and Computations, Volume 218 (2012), 6557–6565. Impact factor: 1.721
Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran,Convolutions of certain analytic functions, J. Analysis, Vol. 18 (2010), pp. 1-8.
Participation in Conferences
Radii Constants for Analytic Functions with Fixed Second Coefficient, Invited talk, 69th annual conference on "Recent Advances in Mathematics and Applications" Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Sept. 24-25, 2022
On the Bohr Radius, Invited talk, Second International Symposium of Geometric Function Theory (ISGFT-2019), Department of Mathematics, SSN College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India, Dec. 23-24, 2019
Bohr Radius for Janowski Starlike Functions, Invited talk, National Conference on Mathematcal Analysis and Applications, Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Triuchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, Dec. 19-20, 2019.
Conference/Symposium/FDP organized
Convenor, one week online FDP on "Significance of Vedic Mathematics in Modern Era"(December 5-10, 2022) in collaboration with Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas & Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre.
Coordinator, one week inter-disciplinary FDP in Hybrid Mode (at Aryabhatta College) on “Significance of Vedic Gyan Parampara in Modern Era” In collaboration with Ramanujan College, Unversity of Delhi and Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi
Conference Presentations
Presented a paper entitled ‘Bohr's Radius for certain classes of Analytics Funtions’ in Symposium on “Geometric Function Theory (GFT)", as a part of "National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Computing (NCMAC-2018)", SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, December 13-14, 2018.
NAAC Criteria 6: Advisor( 2024-25)
NAAC Criteria 6: Convenor (2023-24)
Library Committee : Convener (2023-24)
Purchase Committee : Member(2023-25)
Function Committee : Member(2023-25)
Research and Publication Committee(2021-23)
Website Committee: Convener(2017-19), member(2016-17, 2019-25)
Adventure Society Committee: Member(2016-19)
Admission Grievance Committee: Member(2018-19)
Media Coordination Committee: Member(2018-21)
GE-Coordination Committee: Member(2018-19, 2023-25)
GE-Coordination Committee(Mathematics): Coordinator(2023-25)
Academic Planning Committee: Member(2018-19)
Students Council Committee: Member(2018-19)
Gender Sensitization Committee (NAAC): Member(2016-22)
Student Feedback Review Committee (NAAC): Member(2016-22)
Courses Attended
11 days NEP 2020 Orientation and sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of UGC organized by MMTTC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 20th May to 30th May 2024
online 5-Days National Workshop on‘Vedic Mathematics’ held from 6th-11th January, 2022 organized by Department of Mathematics, Swami Shraddhanand College in collaboration with Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi.
Two Weeks Online Workshop on “Vedic Mathematics” organized by Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre (MHRFDC), Hansraj College in collaboration with Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi, 02nd December – 13th December, 2021.
A one week International Faculty Development Programme on 'Advanced Linear Algebra' September 27– October 1, 2021 organised by Miranda House, University of Delhi in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre Hansraj College, University of Delhi.
Two Week (Online) Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Programme on ‘MOOC's, E-Content Development, Research Methodology and Statistical Tools in Open Education World ’ (3rd August – 17th August 2021) organised by Kalindi College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre Hansraj College, University of Delhi.
TWO-WEEK REFRESHER COURSE IN “MATHEMATICS" organized by "Department of Mathematics, Ramanujan College” from 16-30 March 2021.
Special Winter School in Computational Mathematics organized by the SavitriBai Phule Pune University, Pune, India, November 6 to November 26, 2017.
Participated in a Orientation Course organized by the CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi, October 25 to November 23, 2016.