Author Guidelines

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

Mykhailo Stelmakh Faculty of Philology and Journalism

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to publish the results of your linguistic research in the journal Scientific Notes of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University. Series Philology/Linguistics.

The journal is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine (Category B), where the results of dissertation proceedings may be published (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 515 on 16.05.2016, appendix 12). Articles are published in Ukrainian and English. The journal editorial board assigns DOI to the published articles.

Focus and Scope: Scientific Notes of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University. Series Philology/Linguistics publishes scientific papers that make a significant contribution to the following fields of linguistics and philology:

· cognitive linguistics

· contrastive linguistics

· communicative linguistics

· dialectology and onomastics

· discourse studies

· functional semantics

· intercultural communication

· philology

· psycholinguistics

· philosophy of language

· pragmatics

· text linguistics

· the language of modern media

· translation studies, etc.

Author Guidelines


1. The article submitted for publication should consists of, at least, eight pages (min.15 000 characters without spaces).

2. The article text should comply with the requirements of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine. In accordance with the requirements, the following structural elements are mandatory (they are marked as separate headings and sub-heading in the article text):

the problem statement

the analysis of recent research and prior publications

the purpose of the article

the main material of the research

the conclusions of the research and the prospects of further scientific research in a definite direction

3. The article is accompanied by two summaries in the Ukrainian (it should ​be minimum 500 characters in length, without spaces) and English (it should ​be minimum 3000 characters in length, without spaces) languages, respectively. The summary should briefly outline the study’s relevance, purpose, aim, results and conclusions. The summary is accompanied by key words (up to 7 terms). The References section should be given at the end of the article. References in Ukrainian and other languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet are given in Latin transliteration (use the official electronic service:


1. The submission is in MS Word, all margin settings 20 mm, font Times New Roman, 14-point text (references, summary – 12-point text), style normal (regular), 1,5 line spacing, indent the first line of each paragraph by 125 mm.

2. Examples should be given in italics without underscore and inverted commas; investigated unit – bold italics; double quotation marks (double inverted commas) are to be used for definitions; quotations within the text should be formatted with round brackets as follows: (T. Shevchenko).

3. Dash ( – ) and hyphen (-) are to be distinguished; quotation marks format – «» («text»); abbreviation like etc. and surnames initials are permissible (for example O. Gnatyuk); the number of the page on which the quoted material appears should be formatted with non-breaking space (Ctrl + Shift + space key). To avoid unnecessary gaps toggle the display of non-printing characters. When this is enabled, KWord shows you tabs, spaces, carriage returns and other non-printing characters.

4. Double quotation marks (double inverted commas) «» are to be used for quoted words and phrases, except in the case of a quote within a quote – "" are preferable.

5. In-text references should be given in square brackets with the sequence number of the source and the page number, e.g. [4, p. 345].

6. The author of the example or its source should be given in round brackets, e.g. (3, p. 15).

The structure of the article:

- the first line: UDC code;

- next line: city in italics, in brackets, right alignment;

- next line: the title of the paper in bold italics, centered, capitalized;

- next line: name, surname of the author;

- next line: the educational institution where the author works or studies;

- next line: address of the institution;

- next line: e-mail of the author;

- next line: ORCID iD author number (you can get it on the website );

- leave one blank line: abstract in Ukrainian and key words;

- leave one blank line: the same information (title of the article, information about the author, Abstract) in English;

- leave one blank line: the body of the article;

- аt the end of the article: REFERENCES in alphabetical order, numbered;


- leave one blank line: information about the author (the author’s name and surname, affiliation) in Ukrainian and English.


УДК 811.161.2՚373



Алла Горобець

Вінницький національний аграрний університет

Україна, м. Вінниця, вул. Сонячна, 3


У статті проаналізовано елементи лексико-семантичного поля «час» …

Ключові слова:


Alla Horobets’

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

3 Soniachna St., Vinnytsia, Ukraine


Introduction. The article analyzes …






Key words.

The body of the article.


1. Антомонов А. Ю. Исследование структурной организации лексико-семантического поля : дис. … кандидата филол. наук : 10.02.19 «Теория языка». Киев, 1987. 215 с.

2. Гурецька М. В. Лексико-семантичне поле «роздратування». Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету ім. Лесі Українки. Волин. нац. ун-т ім. Лесі Українки; [редкол.: Г. Л. Аркушин та ін.]. Луцьк, 2011. № 3: Філологічні науки. Мовознавство, Ч. 2. С. 98–102.

3. Денисова С. П. Типологія категорій лексичної семантики. Київ: Вид-во Київського державного лінгвістичного ун-ту, 1996. 294 с.

4. Дрібнюк О. Т. Функції метафори у публіцистичному стилі. Мова і культура. 2011. Вип. 14, т. 8. С. 140–144. URL : UJRN/Mik_2011_14_8_24. (дата звернення: 10.11.2018).


1. Antomonov A. Yu. Issledovanie strukturnoy organizatsii leksiko-semanticheskogo polya: dis. kand. filol. nauk : 10.02.19 «Teoria yazyka». Kiev, 1987. 215 s.

2. Huretska M. V. Leksyko-semantychne pole «rozdratuvannia». Naukovyi visnyk Volynskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. Lesi Ukrainky. Volyn. nats. un-t im. Lesi Ukrainky; [redkol.: H. L. Arkushyn ta in.]. Lutsk, 2011. № 3: Filolohichni nauky. Movoznavstvo, Ch. 2. S. 98–102.

3. Denysova S. P. Typolohiia katehorii leksychnoi semantyky. Kyiv: Vyd-vo Kyivskoho derzhavnoho linhvistychnoho un-tu, 1996. 294 s.

4. Dribniuk O. T. Funktsii metafory u publitsystychnomu styli. Mova i kultura. 2011. Vyp. 14, t. 8. S. 140–144. URL : UJRN/Mik_2011_14_8_24. (data zvernennia: 10.11.2018).

Горобець Алла Володимирівна, аспірантка кафедри української мови Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського, асистент кафедри української та іноземних мов Вінницький національний аграрний університет (Україна).

Horobets Alla, post-graduate student of the Ukrainian Language Department at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Assistant of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia (Ukraine).

The editorial board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject the articles.

The author/authors are responsible for the content of the articles, the accuracy of the information, the presence of plagiarism, as well as the correctness of the summary translation.

Articles written in violation of requirements will not be accepted.

Reprinting the materials of the journal is realized only with the permission of the author and editorial staff.

IV. Article publication charges

The cost of one (full or incomplete) page is 85 UAH.

The article publication charges cover editing and printing costs.

The payment of the article publication charges is made only after the confirmation of the acceptance of the article for printing by the editorial board.

Articles written by the holders of PhD without co-authors are printed free of charge.

V. Submission

To publish the article, the author/authors should send the following materials via e-mail (contact person: Yulia Radn´evich, tel. +38 067 878 62 11):

1) the article text formatted according to the author guidelines in a .doc file;

2) author's contact details in Ukrainian and English in a .doc file: surname, name, degree, academic rank, position, place of employment (study), postal address, e-mail, telephone number, ORCID.

3) scanned confirmation of the paid article publication charges;

4) for postgraduate students and researchers without an academic degree: a scanned copy of the internal review written by the scientific supervisor;

Publishing an article in the Journal involves the author’s agreement to publish it in the Web of Science and on the Internet.