Contact Information

Postal Address:

Scientific Notes of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University. Series Philology/Linguistics

Ostroz'koho Street 32, hall 1, office 313


Ukraine, 21001

Phone: +38 0432 27-55-89

The Journal on the Internet: the journal website provides all the necessary information about the publication, author’s guidelines, archiving, and contact information. The journal archives are available on the main university website under the link “Academic Publications”

Editorial Board’s email:

Contact Telephone Numbers:

Inna Zavalnuk, Editor-in-Chief: +38 067 765-63-41

Ludmula Prokopchuk, Deputy Editor-in-Chief: +38 096 352-81-65

Inna Horofianuk, Receptionist: +38 096 316-88-61

Julia Radnevych, Technical Editor: +38 067 878-62-11