Assoc. Prof. Natt Leelawat, D.Eng., MBCI

Research Interest

Academic Profile

Work Experience

Guest Professor (Global) of Graduate School of System Design and Management

Invited Lecturer of Department of Aviation Industry Innovation and Services, International Academy of Aviation Industry

Teaching Courses:

       Introduction to Information Systems (2021/1)

Adjunct Faculty Member of the School of Integrated Science and Innovation

Teaching Courses:

       Artificial Intelligence and Applications (2024/1)

Adjunct Faculty Member of the School of Information, Computer and Communication Technology

Teaching Courses:

       Accounting Information Systems (2017/1, 2018/1, 2020/1, 2021/2, 2022/1, 2023/1, 2024/1)

       Electronic Commerce (2017/2, 2019/1)

       Risk Management (2018/2, 2022/1)

Lecturer (2022-present) of Innovative Engineering for Sustainability Program, Faculty of Engineering

Associate Professor (September 2021-present) of Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Head (August 2021-present) of Disaster and Risk Management Information Systems Research Unit

Assistant Dean for Communication and International Affairs (July 2020-present) of Faculty of Engineering

Assistant Professor (October 2018-September 2021) of Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Lecturer (April 2017-October 2018) of Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Teaching Courses:

       Computer and Information Technology for Industrial Engineering (2017/1, 2018/1, 2019/1, 2020/1, 2021/1, 2022/1, 2023/1, 2024/1)

       Disaster Management and Technology (2017/1, 2017/2, 2018/1, 2019/1, 2020/1)

       Exploring Engineering World (2017/1, 2017/2, 2018/1, 2018/2, 2019/1, 2019/2, 2020/1, 2020/2, 2021/1, 2021/2, 2022/1, 2022/2, 2023/1, 2023/2, 2024/1)

       Fundamental Risk and Disaster Management (2021/3, 2022/3, 2023/3)

       Global Awareness for Technology Implementation (2022/1, 2023/1, 2024/1)

       Management under Different Culture (2017/1, 2017/2, 2018/1, 2018/2, 2019/1, 2019/2, 2020/1, 2020/2, 2021/1, 2021/2, 2022/1, 2023/1, 2023/2, 2024/1)

       Production and Operations Management Information Systems (2017/2, 2018/2, 2019/2, 2020/2, 2021/2, 2022/2, 2023/2)

       Risk Management for Industry (2017/1, 2017/2, 2018/1, 2018/2, 2019/1, 2019/2, 2020/1, 2020/2, 2020/3, 2021/1, 2021/2, 2022/1, 2022/2, 2023/1, 2023/2, 2024/1)

       Selected Topics in ICE II (2020/3)

       ChulaMOOC: Online Class Preparation Using MS Teams (2021/1) 

       MyCourseVilleMOOC: Engineering My World (2022/1) 

Director (August 2020-August 2023) of Risk and Disaster Management Program, Graduate School
Lecturer (2017-present) of Risk and Disaster Management Program, Graduate School

Teaching Courses:

       Disaster Management (2018/1, 2019/2, 2020/1, 2021/1)

       Emergency Management (2019/1, 2020/2, 2021/2)

 Head (December 2018-July 2021) of Disaster and Risk Management Information Systems Research Group

Assistant Professor (October 2016-March 2017), of Hazard and Risk Evaluation Research Division, International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Teaching Courses:

       Team-based Engineering Design (2016/2)

Postdoctoral Researcher (April 2016-September 2016) of Hazard and Risk Evaluation Research Division, International Research Institute of Disaster Science with Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Imamura

Research Assistant of Information Systems Laboratory, supported by ACEEES

Research Assistant of Information Systems Laboratory, supported by ACEEES

Part-time Worker of Business Model Development Center

Research Assistant of Information Systems Laboratory, supported by ACEEES

System Analyst of IT Department

Intern/Research Student Experience

Research Intern of Tsunami Engineering Laboratory, supported by ACEEES, supervised by Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Imamura and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anawat Suppasri

Research Student of Information Systems Laboratory, supervised by Prof. Dr. Junichi Iijima

Intern of Computer Systems Department,  supported by Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN)

Intern of Corporate and Support Systems Division


D.Eng. in Industrial Engineering and Management

Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science (ACEEES)

Advisor: Prof.Dr. Junichi Iijima

Thesis: Disaster Management through the Perspective of Information Systems [Link]

M.Eng. in Industrial Engineering and Management

Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science (ACEEES)

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Junichi Iijima

Thesis: Framework for Effective Mobile Application in Flood Disaster

B.Sc. (1st Class Honours) in Information Technology (International Program)

Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Komwut Wipusitwarakun

Senior project: Hanuman 3D Game,

supervised by Asst. Prof. Dr. Steven Gordon and Asst. Prof. Dr. Mud-Armeen Munlin                                                  


Course/Workshop/Activity Participation



Research Grants

Professional Affiliations and Services


Reviewer/Academic committees

Keynote Speakers & Invited Speakers & Guest Speakers





Conference Committees

Master of Ceremony/Moderator


2019, Dec 17 Moderator, Pood Ja Prasa Chang (Engineering Talk) "Applying Lean and Six Sigma Principles in Project Management Ep. 2" (in Thai) Chula Radio FM 101.5 MHz, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand [Link] [Listen] [Watch]  


Extra-Curricular Activities
