Ikerbasque Research Professor

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU              

Email: nagore.iriberri(at)

CV (updated January 2024)

My research focuses on behavioral game theory, experimental economics and gender economics.

Working papers:

"Gender Gaps among Scholars in Economics: Analysis across Cohorts" (2024) (with Alaitz Ayarza). Summary of the paper at VoxEU.

"Gender Differences in Willingness to Guess Revisited: Heterogeneity in a High Stakes Professional Setting" (2024) (with Marina Díez-Rituerto, Javier Gardeazabal and Pedro Rey-Biel)

"Gender gaps in financial literacy: a multi-arm RCT to break the response bias in surveys" (2023, updated version May 2024) (with Laura Hospido and Margarita Machelett)

"Gender Gaps in Access to Medical Intern Positions: The Role of Competition" (2022, updated version September 2023) (with Marina Díez-Rituerto, Javier Gardeazabal and Pedro Rey-Biel)

"Do Nonstrategic Considerations Matter for Behavior in Games? An Experimental Study Informed by Direct-sum Decompositions of Games" (2022, updated version June 2024) (with Aleix García-Galocha and Elena Iñarra)

"Naivete and Sophistication in Initial and Repeated Play in Games" (2019 , updated version July 2023) (with Bernardo García-Pola)


"Does Scarcity of Female Instructors Create Demand for Diversity among Students? Evidence from an M-Turk Experiment" (with Patricia Funk and Giulia Savio) accepted for publication at Labour Economics.

"Gender Differences in Alternating-offer Bargaining: An Experimental Study" (with Iñigo Hernández-Arenaz) Experimental Economics, 2023, pp. 1-36.

"Gender Gaps at the Academies" Appendix (with David Card, Stefano DellaVigna and Patricia Funk) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, Vol 120(4). Summary of this paper in Nada es Gratis and Nature.

"Understanding Performance in Test Taking: The Role of Question Difficulty Order" (with Lina Anaya, Pedro Rey-Biel and Gema Zamarro) Economics of Education Review, 2022, Vol 90, pp. 102293.

"Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists" Appendix. (with David Card, Stefano DellaVigna and Patricia Funk)  Econometrica, 2022, Vol 90(5), pp. 1937-1971.

"Brave Boys and Play-it-Safe Girls: Gender Differences in Willingness to Guess in a Large Scale Natural Field Experiment" (with Pedro Rey-Biel)  European Economic Review, 2021, Vol 131, pp. 103603 .

"Hot versus Cold Behavior in Centipede Games" (with Bernardo Garcia-Pola and Jaromir Kovarik) Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2020, Vol 6, pp. 226–238.

"Non-equilibrium Play in Centipede Games" (with Bernardo Garcia-Pola and Jaromir Kovarik) Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, Vol 120, pp. 391–433.

"Are Referees and Editors in Economics Gender Neutral?" (with David Card, Stefano DellaVigna and Patricia Funk) Online Appendix The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, Vol 135(1), pp. 269–327. Summary of this paper at VOXeu. CEPR eBook on Women in Economics.

A Review of Gender Differences in Negotiation” (with Iñigo Hernández-Arenaz) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2019, December, pp. 1–22. Oxford University Press.

"What you don't know... Can't hurt you? A natural field experiment on relative performance feedback in higher education" (with Ghazala Azmat, Manuel Bagues and Antonio Cabrales) Management Science, 2019, Vol 65(8), pp. 3714–3736.

"Competitive Pressure Widens the Gender Gap in Performance: Evidence from a Two-Stage Competition in Mathematics" (with Pedro Rey-Biel) The Economic Journal, 2019, Vol 129(620), pp. 1863–1893. Summary of this paper at VOXeu and Barcelona GSE Focus.

"Women ask for less (only from men): Evidence from bargaining in the field" (with Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2018, Vol 152, pp. 192-214. Summary of this paper at AEON.

"Stereotypes are Only a Threat when Beliefs are Reinforced: On the Sensitivity of Gender Differences in Performance under Competition to Information Provision" (with Pedro Rey-Biel) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2017, Vol 135, pp. 99-111.

"Gender Differences in Response to Big Stakes" (with Ghazala Azmat and Caterina Calsamiglia) Journal of the European Economic Association, 2016, Vol 14(6), pp. 1372–1400. Summary of this paper at VOXeu - CEP.

"The Provision of Relative Performance Feedback: An Analysis of Performance and Satisfaction" (with Ghazala Azmat) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2016, Vol 25(1), pp. 77–110.

"Elicited Beliefs and Social Information in Modified Dictator Games: What Do Dictators Believe Other Dictators Do?" (with Pedro Rey-Biel) Web-Appendix Quantitative Economics 2013, 4, pp. 515–547.

"Promoting Rule Compliance in Daily-Life: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in the Public Libraries of Barcelona" (with Jose Apesteguia and Patricia Funk) European Economic Review 2013, 64, pp. 266–284.

"Structural Models of Non-equilibrium Strategic Thinking:Theory, Evidence, and Applications" (with Vincent P. Crawford, Miguel A. Costa-Gomes) Journal of Economic Literature 2013, 51:1, pp. 5–62.

"Minority Language and the Stability of Bilingual Equilibria" (with Jose Ramon Uriarte) Rationality and Society 2012, Vol 24(4), pp. 442–462.

"The Impact of Gender Composition on Team Performance and Decision-Making: Evidence from the Field" (with Jose Apesteguia and Ghazala Azmat)  Web-Appendix Management Science, Vol 58(1) January 2012, pp. 78–93.

"The Role of Role Uncertainty in Modified Dictator Games" (with Pedro Rey-Biel) Experimental Economics 2011, Vol14(2), pp. 160–180.

"The Importance of Relative Performance Feedback Information: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Using High School Students" (with Ghazala Azmat)  Web-Appendix Journal of Public Economics 2010, Vol 94(7-8), pp. 435–452.

"Comparing Models of Strategic Thinking in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil’s Coordination Games" (with Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Vincent P. Crawford)  Appendix Journal of the European Economic Association 2009, Vol 7(2-3), pp. 365–376.

"Level-k Auctions: Can a Non-Equilibrium Model of Strategic Thinking Explain the Winner's Curse and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions?" (with Vincent P. Crawford)  Appendix to Level-k Auctions Econometrica 2007, Vol 75 (6), pp. 1721–1770.

"Fatal Attraction: Salience, Naivete, and Sophistication in Experimental "Hide-and-Seek" Games" (with Vincent P. Crawford) Appendix to Hide-and-Seek American Economic Review 2007, Vol 97(5), pp. 1731–1750.

PhD students:

Bernardo Garcia-Pola. 2018. Post-doc at AGORA at University of New South Wales. Currently at Universidad Pública de Navarra.

Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz. 2017. Assistant Professor at Universitat de les Illes Balears. Currently at Universidad Pública de Navarra.