International Patent Families: from Application Strategies to Statistical Indicators

This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of international patent families. We exploit a relatively under-studied feature of patent families, namely the number of patents covering the same invention within a given jurisdiction. Using this information, we highlight common patterns in the structure of international patent families, which reflect both the patenting strategies of innovators and the peculiarities of the different patent systems. While the literature has extensively used family size, i.e. the number of countries in which a given invention is protected, as a measure of patent value, our results suggest that the number of patent filings in the priority country within a patent family as well as the timespan between the first and last fillings within a family are also insightful indicators of the value of patented innovations.

Keywords: Patent families Patent value Priority patents Continuations Divisional applications

JEL Classification: O31 O34