Experiments in moving table top games

to the screen

I've played tabletop/face-to-face/pen and paper games for most of my life. As time goes on, the people I want to play with have dispersed farther and farther away. Fortunately, we are experiencing a renaissance for moving your game table to the online world.

Update: July 30, 2021 - Session 22 of the Roake Campaign! Gold, After All.

Update: July 13, 2021 - Session 21 of the Roake Campaign! To key or not to Key

Update: June 28, 2021 - Session 20 of the Roake Campaign! Ambling Along

Update: June 14, 2021 - Session 19 of the Roake Campaign! Cryptic Tales.

Update: June 3, 2021 - Session 18 of the Roake Campaign! Give us a Hand.

Update: May 17, 2021 - Session 16 and 17 of the Roake Campaign! In Which Pooh and his friends learn to kick ass.

Update: April 18, 2021 - Session 15 of the Roake Campaign! Mopping Up.

Update: April 3, 2021 - Session 14 of the Roake Campaign! Ruins of Greed.

Update: March 22, 2021 - Session 13 of the Roake Campaign! Clues.

Update: March 15, 2021 - Session 12 of the Roake Campaign! The Shoppening.

Update: March 2, 2021 - Session 11 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 8.

Update: February 18, 2021 - Session 10 of the Roake Campaign! Death of a Paladin.

Update: February 08, 2021 - Session 9 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 7.

Update: January 31, 2021 - Session 8 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 6.

Update: January 10, 2021 - Session 7 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 5.

Update: December 27, 2020 - Session 6 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 4.

Update: December 13, 2020 - Session 5 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 3.

Update: November 30, 2020 - Session 4 of the Roake Campaign! Track and Whack 2.

Update: November 21, 2020 - Prince Edward of Anchor announces his plan to "...chart the expanses of the Northerlands..." by Unleashing the Cartographers.

Update: November 15, 2020 - Session 3 of the Roake Campaign! To Track and then to Whack.

Update: November 1, 2020 - Session 2 of the Roake Campaign! Too Many Orcs - part 2.

Update: October 19, 2020 - Session 1 of the Roake Campaign! Too Many Orcs - part 1.

The first adventure has begun! Get to know my home brew setting - City States of the Northerlands - and specifically the village of Roake!

The Roake Campaign is linked in the menu to the left.

Update: August 30, 2020

Northerlands Adventure

As most of you know, the games I have hosted have mostly taken place in my own setting, now known as City States of the Northerlands and I am now working on something known as a "West Marches style" game. In short, everyone plays in the same world, but they aren't necessarily in the same party. This allows the Game Master to maintain one single set of lore, but still have much different games for more than one party. Parties can be smaller which allows more flexibility in scheduling game times.

I remember the days when we'd sit down around the table almost every weekend, for a 4-5 hour session of D&D. The two games in which I'm playing do a session every two weeks and the sessions range from 2-4 hours and averaging out at about 3 hours. So, if you can only set aside one or two sessions a month, that can be handled. Some of you will want to play every week and that can also be handled.

I have 3 cities and about a half dozen distinct wilderness areas to be used as starter areas. I always like a game that starts a character at 1st level, but many campaigns never get into high levels. So, if you'd like to start at 3rd or even 5th level, I can handle that too. The Northerlands include native home areas for humans, elves, dwarves and orcs. Halflings, gnomes and other typical fantasy races are well integrated into human society. There are areas where racial tension exists for some races, who are advised to protect themselves.

So if you are interested in playing there are many options for the sort of game you might choose.

Also keep in mind that in West Marches style, there will little if any city adventuring. There will be resources and services for you to use in the cities, but the territory between those cities and settlements is wild and that is where adventure and fortune lies. Causing trouble in the few places where people are living safely, will see you hustled out to the wild, naked and without provision.

How to get started

Assemble your group, and decide when and how often you'd like to play. Decide on a Game Concept. Will you begin at 1st level? What sort of adventures would you like to pursue? Would you like to be wandering merchants, dungeon-delvers, maybe mercenaries? Would you prefer to be all dwarves or elves? What other specifications might your Game Concept require?

Send me this game information and if I think I can handle it, I'll send back some starting info. This will include a list of starting locations for you to consider, loosely based on your game concept. We'll take it from there!