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1. Subliminal Manipulation. How Media and Advertising Uses Neurolinguistic Mind Control Programming.


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Typical subliminal message 


Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communication technicians, whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. Messages in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything consciously perceived can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected. Anything programmed subliminally to your subconsciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information is stored in your brain and capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes.

The use of subliminal techniques in print communication media has been going on in the United States at least since the World War I period. For example, Norman Rockwell's first cover on The Saturday Evening Post during 1917 incorporated embedded words SEX. Whenever an embedded word or picture accidentally became consciously visible, the readers would pass it off as a joke, an accident, or a product of their imaginations.

Serious commercial experiments with subliminal messaging were conducted in the mid 50-s. On June 22, 1956, the British Broadcasting Corporation experimented with projecting subliminal images on television. Pictures were flashed on the screen too quickly to be seen consciously, but they did make an impression on the subconscious. The BBC experiment was followed by experiments by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mexico's Televisa commercial TV and radio network, US TV station WTWO in Bangor and many more 

Experiments were not limited to television. In 1958, radio station WAAF in Chicago broadcast "subaudible" commercials. Seattle's KOL broadcast hardly audible taped messages "below" the music played by its disc jockeys. "How about a cup of coffee?" was one, and "Someone's at the door" was another. On December 8, 1972, The New York Times reported that In-Flight Motion Pictures, Inc. would begin selling subliminal commercials embedded in the movies they would distribute to all the major airlines. Supermarkets across the country are reducing theft an average 30 to 50 percent by broadcasting subliminal messages such as "I will not steal" and "We are watching you". Stimutech, Inc. of East Lansing, Michigan markets a computer video system that flashes subliminal messages on your television while you watch the regular programming. Subliminal messages are prepared by teams of psychologists who use Freudian ideas to change the thinking patterns and behavior of the viewer. 



The most known experiment with subliminal messaging was conducted by a marketing researcher and psychologist James Vicary in 1957 during the presentation of the movie Picnic. Every 5 seconds the words "Hungry? Eat popcorn. Drink Coca Cola" were projected for 0.003 seconds. That is extremely fast. What you see in the picture on the left, for example, flashes for 0.04 seconds. Sales of popcorn and Coke in that New Jersey theater increased 57.8 percent and 18.1 percent respectively. Numerous scientific researches following these experiments confirmed beyond any doubt that subliminal messaging works. When advertising industry and government agencies understood the potential of subliminal messaging they started investing millions in developing and perfecting of subliminal techniques, which can be used not only for marketing, but also for propaganda and mind control. In 1962 Vicary suddenly confesses that he fabricated the results of his experiment... Why would someone discredit himself in such a way and lose his dignity and credibility? It's obvious that he was paid to do so by those who use subliminal messages to manipulate you. Remember the quote from "Usual Suspect" : The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist... That's exactly the trick they are trying to pull, I.E. convincing the world that subliminal technique does not work. And they did a pretty good job. There are so many people that refuse to believe that a secret technology which modifies behavior invisibly, channels basic value systems, manages human motives and drives them into pathological behaviors in the interest of certain power structures has been in existence and widespread use for decades if not more. They will call you crazy if you'll dare to say anything like that and yet subliminal messages are being bombarded at you continuously throughout the day, through books, movies, magazines, television, radio and music. Every major newspaper, every poster, every magazine in America have subliminal messages embedded in them.

So how can something that we don't notice affect our behavior? Well, unheeded doesn't mean unseen. Let us first understand how our perception works. As you know, our mind consists of two interacting parts: conscious and subconscious. The subconscious part of mind operates below the level of conscious awareness, it controls reflexes, automatic functions and handles the processing and storing of incoming information. Subconsciousness is able to process 20,000 bits of information simultaneously, while consciousness can deal only with 7 ± 2 bits of information at the same time.

Instead of the simplistic five senses of Aristotle—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell— there are at least thirty-seven known, differentiated sensory inputs into the brain. All of the information picked by these senses is sent to the brain and absorbed by the subconsciousness, however, only very concrete and relevant data is passed to the conscious mind after it has been processed and reduced. All the rest remains ignored. A good example of this is the Cocktail Party Effect : You can talk with a friend in a crowded party and still listen and understand what he says even if the place is very noisy. You can simultaneously ignore what another nearby person is saying, but if someone over the other side of the room suddenly mentiones your name, you notice that sound and respond to it immediately. Not only that your name immediately triggers your attention, you usualy are aware of the entire sentence it has came in. From this experience we can learn that our brain records everything that takes place around us. Interesting that certain words like SEX, BLOOD, DEATH, FUCK and such have the same effect in triggering your attention as your name.
So, only the information considered as "relevant" goes to the consciousness. Non essential information, short or vague stimuli are stored in the subconscious without reaching our awareness. Important to stress that they are NOT discarded, but stored. E V E R Y T H I N G you have ever experienced in your life, from every stranger's face you have ever glanced at in a crowd to every spider web you gazed at as a child, can be retrieved from your memory by hypnosis or by electrical stimulation of the brain cells in temporal lobes. Hence whatever was subliminally put into your brain will stay there forever and in the right circumstances will trigger the right reaction in you. That is not being said that subliminal messages determine your reaction in an inexorable manner. The accepted opinion is that subliminal messages rather strengthen, accelerate and reinforce reactions in persons who are ALREADY PREDISPOSED to the subject of the message. But I guess one can't be sure.


The most common subliminal message is S E X.



Clone High E09 (click for animated gif) 



New X-men #118 



Screenshot from House (S06E05) 



Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince 




The famous Farrah Fawcett’s “SEX” in the hair: 



This poster had been one of the major urban legends of the late 70s. It was always puzzling why this image in particular became incredibly popular (over 12 millions copies sold). After all, there were plenty of other posters of scantily clad attractive young women.

The word SEX in print media is usually embedded into hair, creases in clothing, facial lines, or rough background surfaces. Often some noise added to disguise it, like in the House snapshot, or it can be spelled as "ssex" or "sexx", etc.

Letter-looking patterns can naturally occur in such mediums. An artist usually looks for these patterns and starts from there. For example in the following Jantzen ad the letter "X" is already formed by the stitches of the man's shirt. Then the shadow of his hand was modified a bit to look like an "E" and the letter "S"—purportedly a water ripple—was lightly painted in the gap under his arm.


A one word guarantee:



Another technique is to write numerous SEXes in interweaving mosaic-like manner on a transparent overlay which can be superimposed onto any photograph at any intensity level desired. So in the next image there are many transparent words SEX written all over her face: forehead, lips, hair, chin etc. That's besides the crown concealing the word SEX in its design. 



The Inhabited Island 2. On the 8th minute of the movie slowly moving camera focuses on a wall for about 10 seconds. Quite bluntly the word SEX is etched in the stone. The family picture nearby serves as a camouflage for another word SEX. This is just one of many instances throughout the movie. Ironically, the storyline revolves around ruling elite using covert mind control means to manipulate population for their own designs and here we are: the movie makers use covert mind control means to manipulate the viewer for their own designs. 



Another interesting technique is embedding of anamorphic images—kind of what you see when you look into a funny mirror at an amusement park or into a shiny coffee pot at home. These distorted, often grotesque images serve as a decoy for the real message which can be hidden within the ground (foliage, flowers, landscapes, reflections in bottles, ice cubes, symbols, and so forth). Although it is not consciously obvious, it may very well be obvious to our subconsciousness and recorded there.
A surprisingly large amount of subliminal death symbolism is also utilized—skulls hidden in ice cubes, clouds, etc., the word DEATH or DETH often hidden in backgrounds.
During the evolutionary development of humans, subliminal perceptions were certainly involved with survival and adjustment. Creative innovators such as artists, poets, writers and composers have utilized man's subliminal potentialities for many centuries. In at least one Rembrandt painting, for example, a hidden SEX appears (spelled as seks in Dutch). Paintings of Monet are also abundant with it.








"We are convinced that there is no subliminal advertising in America today" said Charles F. Adams speaking for the American Association of Advertising Agencies in 1981. Isn't that so? Well, see for yourself. The following excerpts are taken from a leaked top secret training manual belonging to one of the largest advertising agencies on the planet:



The Leaked Ad Training Document Part 1 The Great Subliminal Message Deception


Aug 29, 2010

I expose some of the leaked ad training manual. This includes color illustrations and photos detailing the HELL-SELL method of advertising. This explains some of the Satan/Death subliminal embeds in advertisements.


duration 14:59 minutes


The Leaked Ad Training Document Part 2 The Great Subliminal Message Deception


Sep 12, 2010

I expose the rest of the leaked ad training manual. This includes color illustrations and photos.


duration 14:59 minutes

In my opinion, this blond woman has evident masculine traits (look at the nose for example). I wouldn't be surprised if this was a man in drag, which by the way is a very frequent technique. Playboy use men in drag all the time. Music videos feature men in drag. California Gurls, Beat it, Shut up and sleep with me, are just a few names.  

This Gilbey's London Dry Gin advertisement appeared in the July 5, 1971, edition of Time magazine, on the inside back cover. This ad is a classic design of subliminal art. Over one thousand adult male and female test subjects were asked to look at the advertisement while relaxed. The subjects were not familiar with subliminal techniques. They were requested not to analyze content, but to just let feelings come to the surface and put them into words—no matter how far out or absurd these words might appear to be. The ad was neither explained nor discussed any further after these instructions. All possible precautions were taken to avoid pre-programming the test subjects. Sixty-two percent described feelings of "satisfaction," "sensuousness," "sexuality." "romance," "stimulation," "arousal," and "excitement" and several young women reported "horny." None of the test subjects discovered any of the subliminal details in the advertisement.

The advertisement was painted over a photograph and was published during the summer, promising the reader cool, re­freshing pleasure in return for his purchase of Gilbey's. The bottle cap is removed, making the contents easily accessible to the reader. This, at least, is the obvious, consciously trans­mitted message coming from the frosty bottle, ice cubes, and water drops beneath the bottle and glass. There is, however, far more to the gin ad than meets the conscious eye.

Let your eyes concentrate momentarily upon the third ice cube from the top. Without stretching your imagination beyond reasonable limits, can you see an E formed in the cube? Now go to the second ice cube from the top. This is slightly more difficult to perceive than the E, but you should be able to outline the letter S. Now look at the forth or bottom ice cube. Most readers will immediate­ly discern the third letter —X.

You cannot pick up a newspaper, magazine, or pamphlet, hear radio, or view tele­vision anywhere in North America without being assaulted subliminally by embeds such as those in the ice cubes. In­credulous though you might be at this point, these subliminal SEXes are today an integral part of modern American life— even though they have never been seen by many people at the conscious level. You might consider, as well, that you instantly saw the ice cube SEX—at the unconscious level. This invisible dimen­sion of meaning in the Gilbey's ad was not hidden on the Time cover. The SEX was available for anyone to see—all 24.2 million weekly Time readers—men, women, and chil­dren. Readers make such illusions invisible to the con­scious mind through a psychological device psychologists have labeled repression, one of the perceptual defenses.

But, there is much more to the Gilbey's ad. Note the disproportional reflection of the bottle and bottle cap on the table surface— it could be interpreted as a man's legs and partially erect genitals (1). The melting ice on the bottle cap could symbolize seminal fluid—the origin of all human life. The green color suggests peace and tranquility after tensions have been released. Therefore, the scene is likely after orgasm, not before. This interpretation is reinforced by the less than fully extended penis. The melting ice on the frosty bottle, of course, could also suggest seminal fluid.

At this point, if you are curious and broad-minded, you might look between the reflection from the tonic glass and that of the bottle. The vertical opening between the reflec­tion has subtle shadows on each side which could be in­terpreted as lips—vaginal lips, of course (2). At the top of the opening is a drop of water which could represent the clitoris. If the scene were put into a story line, this still-open vagina is where the discharged penis has just been. The seminal frost all over the bottle might suggest to a primitive part of the human brain—the portion some theorists call the unconscious—that coitus interruptus had just occurred, or as the copy would suggest: "and keep your tonics dry!" There appears one additional female genital symbol hori­zontally drawn into the tonic glass reflection (3). The vagina is closed, suggesting the owner might be lying down awaiting her turn.

You can read the rest of analysis in Wilson Bryan Key’s SUBLIMINAL SEDUCTION book, I’ll just add that there are 5 different individuals symbolized subliminally in various parts of the advertisement—three women and two men, the subliminal promise to anyone buying Gilbey's gin is simply a good old-fashioned sexual orgy which developed after "breaking out the frosty bottle."

In this Australian ad from the 80-s the ice cubes conceal multiply words SEX and an image of a female profile with a wide open mouth leaning towards an erected male member. This one is pretty hard to deny, so the company's excuse was " bad joke by the designer". Click the image for close-ups. 

Van Gogh vodka box. Start from the pomegranate bottle. You can see a zigzag forming the letter 'S'. Its upper half appears in solid yellow color and continues in a semi-transparent path. In the next bottle the 'e' is formed by the flamingo's neck merging with the horizon line. The letter 'X' in the next bottle is formed by the mill wings. 

Remember, that advertiser don't like to get caught, so they will always have an excuse for that, like : Oh, it's just a coincidence; It's only your morbid imagination; It's your filthy mind that made you see it this way...Yeah right.

In fact, subliminal messaging and its subsequent programming effects are so very real, that the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) enacted laws against this. You can find it found under "Prohibited practices" in the Code of Federal Regulations: "Deceptive advertising techniques. Subliminal or similar techniques are prohibited. Subliminal or similar techniques, as used in this part, refers to any device or technique that is used to convey, or attempts to convey, a message to a person by means of images or sounds of a very brief nature that cannot be perceived at a normal level of awareness."

The MILF campaign.

MILF is an acronym describing a sexually attractive middle-aged woman and it stands for "Mother I'd Like to F*ck". Spirit Airlines of course claimed that their M.I.L.F. campaign is just a coincidence, and that  Spirit’s senior vice president of pricing is a British citizen who is unfamiliar with the MILF terminology, and that the company is not trying to offend customers, and blah blah blah. You're going to see right away that they are pathetic liars. First of all look at the the model: she is relatively not that young and fits perfectly the definition of a MILF. 

Now take a look at this screenshot of a flash banner  from their website.

Just as the flash starts running for fraction of a second the islands look like a seductive silhouette of reclining woman:

Here's a proof that Spirit Airlines fabricate their dull slogans with one and only purpose of creating sexual innuendo: 

If you reed only the bold letters you get "Muff Diving". Muff is a slang word for a vagina and "muff diving" is a term for cunnilingus. Just an innocent coincidence, eh? How about this one spelling GET LAID: 

Spirit Airlines continue to hit you with sexual associations. Barely Legal 18 is a category in porn. 

Apparently obscene language is effective in triggering viewers attention and emotions. So, in this Krispy Kreme commercial aired on NBC you can see the slogan "So good, you'll suck dick"... Their excuse was that the on-air graphics operator got this image from Google Images and used it without thorough examination. This is of course not true. They knew exactly what they were doing. 

Watch the clip here.

The "F" word example:

The logo of Apple's iCount application. Note that the letters are upright and the ciphers are tilted. The letter 'O' is intentionally tilted so it loses its relation with the upright letters and perceived as belonging to the tilted ciphers. iCUNT. 

Brain is highly sensitive to dissonant elements,  scenes that make no sense or violation of cultural taboos. Unconscious perceptual sensitivity appears most acute when the stimuli involve a cultural taboo related to reproductive behavior (sex) and death. That's why Peter Heering put a skull in their ice cubes.  

Same story with Windsor Canadian: 

Campari is not an exception: 

It is difficult to rationalize death symbols' ability to sell booze. Perhaps it's got something to do with Freudian concept of death wish or death instinct. Or maybe defying death, even subliminally, may enhance a drinker's self-image of masculinity and virility. No one knows why for certain, but death sells extremely well. Here' s another ad using death symbolism: 

The label is partially hidden. But reading up along the edge of the label on the left, the word DED appears. Is it conceivable some photographer could have accidentally permitted such a critical and frightening word to appear in the million dollars ad? Hardly! The ice cubes painted in the bottle are also curious: bearded man with glasses, dog's head, right hand's thumb, laughing woman and another images appear in them. If you turn the ad on its left side, a very distinct face wearing a turban appears cleverly hidden away in the ice cube. Just below the head, in the area where the neck should be, there is a large ax with its blade buried deeply within the neck of the turbaned head. The ad's subliminally perceived trigger mechanism is, simply, a beheading. 

Subliminal death symbolism is not limited to booze. You can find it in advertisements of Revlon products:


Religious art: 

 And more...

The following picture is also full of anamorphic images hidden in the ice cubes and of course the word SEX. Note the erupting volcano at the bottom of the glass. Symbolically it represent ejaculation.

Absolut inspired by these ads made their "subliminal" poster with ABSOLUT VODKA written in ice cubes :

This is of course not a real subliminal message. They won't tell you when they do a real one, like in the next image:

Beer ad that used wood chips for the idea that the beer has a "smoked" flavor:

Another sexual message from Heineken: 

Pepsi Cola. According to Michael Tsarion, ancient Egyptians used the word pepsi for Satan. Let's see what Pepsi is selling to us : 

SEX on Skittles pack: 

Sisley fashion is notorious for its provocative ads on the verge of pornography that often feature perverted sexuality. Here is a couple of subliminal examples. 

Besides the overt reference to fellatio there's a word hidden in the tattoo. 

This is a screenshot from the Clash of The Titans. I'm not certain about what is written on the curtain but there's definitely something. 

There are SEXes in the poster but this can be found literally in every Hollywood movie poster. Notice the suggestive position of the sword. 

Underworld: Awakening  

Remember that THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS in such high costing productions. Every little detail is carefully preplanned and thought out several times. AT&T's "More Bars in More Places" commercials give us an excellent example of this. Unsuspecting person sees it as a sequence of random scenes while in fact every single scene has a reference to those bars showing the strength of cell service in a given location. 

Hypnotized patients can read reversed, mirrored and upside-down texts at a normal speed rate. It means that subconscious mind decodes any text, no matter how it's written.

Here's an example of a subliminal message employing this principle:

This technique is called Backward Masking. It also applies to words spoken or sung backwards. The Beatles started using backmasking on their White Album with the song "Revolution Number Nine." The song repeatedly says: "number nine, number nine." Played backwards it becomes "turn me on, dead man." Rumors swept the world, "Paul is Dead!" Material on Paul's death was embedded in the Magical Mystery Tour album in the last few grooves of the song "Strawberry Fields." A low volume voice says :"I buried Paul." Many other famous Pop and Rock bands used backward masking in this song to express satanic, sexual, suicidal or any other messages.

Hyundai ix35 = SEX! Click the image.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

Besides the overt sexual message this image has the word SEX written subliminally on the fella's chest and a phallic form appears in the shadows of his abnormal abs. 

In this ice-cream commercial you can see that the spoon trail in the ice-cream has a shape of naked female torso: 

Here's another example of female torso: 


The technique implemented in the next images is called "displacement". 

Jantzen ad: A one word guarantee 








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