Mu Zhang
Assistant Professor
University of Utah
muzhang [at] cs [dot] utah [dot] edu
Office: MEB 2168
About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Kahlert School of Computing at University of Utah. Previously, I was a Postdoc at Cornell University. Before that, I was a Research Staff Member at NEC Labs America.
My research interests lie in several aspects of Computer Security. Particularly, I am interested in developing tools using all types of techniques (e.g., program analysis, machine learning, data mining, etc.) to detect, diagnose and address security problems of software systems in different domains, including but not limited to Web3, cyber-physical systems and mobile systems.
Job Openings
I have several RA openings available. I'm looking for Ph.D. students and other talented, highly motivated students to join my group. If you are interested, please feel free to drop me an email!
12/2024: Our proposal for detecting and analyzing incidents in industrial control systems was funded by Idaho National Laboratory.
11/2024: Our proposal for capturing logic flaws in smart contracts was funded by Stellar Development Foundation!
7/2024: A paper on testing WebAssembly runtimes has been accepted in ISSTA'24.
11/2023: Our paper on demystifying and detecting novel "Groundhog Day'' vulnerabilities in EOSIO smart contracts has been accepted in NDSS'24. Great work, Taiji!!
7/2023: Our ISSTA'23 paper "Automated Generation of Security-Centric Descriptions for Smart Contract Bytecode" has been awarded the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper! Congratulations again, Yu, Taiji and Yunhe!!
5/2023: Our paper on automatically generating security-centric descriptive scripts for smart contract programs has been accepted in ISSTA'23. Congratulations, Yu, Taiji and Yunhe!!
3/2023: I'm serving on the TPC of NDSS 2024.
1/2023: I'm serving on the TPC of CCS 2023.
11/2022: Our paper "Towards Automated Safety Vetting of Smart Contracts in Decentralized Applications" won the CCS 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention (20/972 = 2%).
8/2022: Our proposal for recovering smart contract semantics and detecting logic errors was funded by Cisco Research.
6/2022: One paper on detecting and mitigating misconfiguration vulnerabilities in industrial control systems has been accepted in RAID'22.
4/2022: Our work on automated safety vetting of smart contracts in decentralized applications has been accepted in CCS'22. Great job, Yue and Yu!
4/2022: I'm serving on the TPC of NDSS 2023. Please consider submitting your work!
12/2021: I'm serving on the TPC of CCS 2022. Please consider submitting your work!
6/2021: Our proposal for advanced attack detection in cyber-physical systems was funded by DARPA HACCS.
5/2021: Our proposal for detecting the vulnerabilities in scientific computing infrastructures was funded by NSF.
7/2020: Our proposal for a transparent and context-aware approach to AI security education was funded by NSF.
1/2020: Our paper "APTrace: A Responsive System for Agile Enterprise Level Causality Analysis" is accepted in ICDE 2020
10/2019: Our paper "Duet: An Expressive Higher-order Language and Linear Type System for Statically Enforcing Differential Privacy" won the ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award at OOPSLA!