About me

Hi, there my name is Jamar Wilson and I’m a Music Enthusiast, runner, and writer based in San Francisco.

Connect with me: Medium | Twitter

jamar wilson

Blogging is an extraordinary opportunity that allows ordinary people to be heard and read by others who share their same passion and interests in a particular subject. Blogging, which is made possible by computer technology and the internet, gives a voice to journalists and would-be journalists who may not get discovered were it not for a site such as MusicPanda.net. All of the articles that are found here are written by me.

All too often, blogs are written, and then a tremendous effort is exerted in order to get other bloggers to link to them, all of this in order to increase their rankings on the search engines. At Music Panda, I don’t believe that’s what blogging is about. Blogging is about writing well-written articles that are creative, informative, and entertaining to the readers.

My research department goes to great lengths to discover bloggers who possess those qualities and to then present these bloggers to you, with their respective links, on the Music Panda platform. I encourage my readers to click on these links to learn more about the blogger and their writings.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and I hope you will enjoy my articles.