PhD in Computing Engineering and Built Environment

Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom


Muhammad Yunis Daha currently working as GRA at School of Computing Engineering and Built Environment, at Ulster University, Belfast, UK. He did his master’s degree in Information Technology (by Research) from the top-ranked University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia. His master’s degree work is in the domain of link failure recovery in SDN. His master’s thesis title is “Community Detection-based Link Failure Recovery in SDN” and he used network emulator Mininet and POX controller for simulation performance evaluation. His master's research work as a first author got published in one ISI index journal and two IEEE international conferences. During my master's study, he worked as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) for one and half years on a funded research project, "Fast Failure Recovery of SDN with Robustness-Aware Rule Placement Scheme" collaborated by the University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia, and Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Moreover, he also worked as a teacher assistant (TA) in the Department of Computer and Information Science UTP, Malaysia, and performed his duties as a lab demonstrator in different semesters of undergraduate studies. Currently, he is working as a Graduate Assistant (GA) at the “Centre for Intelligent Signal & Imaging Research (CISIR)” affiliated with the Institute of Health & Analytics (IHA), UTP, Malaysia.

Furthermore, he did his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BS-EE) from one of the top-ranked "COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus", Pakistan in 2018. During his Bachelor's study, he worked under the supervision of well-known researchers. His final year project was "Smart Grid Control Panel Simulator by using GSM Module". The objective of this project was to scale down a simple 11kv grid station into a smart grid control panel simulator by using GSM Module.

His research interests are in the domain of wireless communication and computer networks but not limited to SDN, Failure Issues in SDN, Machine Learning, Cyber Security & IoT, Smart Grid, Computer Networks, Wireless Networks, and Next-Generation Communication Networks.