Martin Stuermer
I am an Economist in the Africa Department of the International Monetary Fund and an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. My research interests are macroeconomics with a focus on energy, commodities, and natural resources as well as growth and development. In my position in the Africa Department, I serve as lead economist in the Burkina Faso team. Burkina Faso is one of the most challenging IMF loan program countries. Before joining the Africa Department, I worked in the Commodities Unit of the Fund's Research Department, where I also contributed to a one-off mission to Guinea. I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 2014 to 2021. I hold Masters degrees from Sciences Po Paris and Free University Berlin, and a PhD in economics from the University of Bonn, Germany.
Our new IMF Working Paper on Beyond Energy: Inflationary Effects of Metals Price Shocks in Production Networks (with Jorge Miranda-Pinto, Andrea Pescatori, and Xueliang Wang) just got published. Here are the related IMF World Economic Outlook (Commodities Special Feature) and the VoxEU Blog!
Our paper on "Natural Gas in Europe: The Potential Impact of Disruptions to Supply" (with Gabriel Di Bella, Mark Flanagan, Karim Foda, Svitlana Maslova, Alex Pienkowski & Frederik Toscani) just got published in Energy Economics.
Our paper on "Energy Transition Metals: Bottleneck for Net-Zero Emissions?" (with L. Boer and A. Pescatori) is published at the Journal of the European Economics Association. See The Economist article and Dan Yergin citing it in his WSJ editorial.
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International Monetary Fund
Research Department, Commodities Unit
700 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20341
Email: mstuermer at imf dot org