Matthew Selove

Donald R. Booth Professor in Economics in Honor of Larry Parlett and in Memory of Alan D. Thompson
Associate Professor of Marketing
Chapman University
Argyros College of Business and Economics


Curriculum Vitae: Download CV


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PhD in Marketing, June 2010
MBA, June 2004

Harvard University
A.B. magna cum laude in Applied Mathematics and Economics, June 1998


"Influencers: To Grow or To Monetize" (with Cristina Nistor and Miguel Villas-Boas)
Management Science (forthcoming)

"Influencers: The Power of Comments" (with Cristina Nistor)
Marketing Science (forthcoming)

"Pricing and Quality Provision in a Supply Relationship: A Model of Efficient Relational Contracts" (with Cristina Nistor)
Marketing Science (2000)

"Dynamic Pricing with Fairness Concerns and a Capacity Constraint"
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (2019)
- Related media coverage: Orange County Register

"The Strategic Implications of Scale in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis" (with John Hauser and Felix Eggers)
Marketing Science (2019)

"What are We Really Good at? Product Strategy with Uncertain Capabilities" (with Jeanine Miklos-Thal and Michael Raith)
Marketing Science (2018)

"A Dynamic Model of Competitive Entry Response"
Marketing Science (2014)
- Finalist for the Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award

"How Do Firms Become Different? A Dynamic Model"
Management Science (2014)
- Winner of the John A. Howard / AMA Dissertation Award

"Optimizing Product Line Designs: Efficient Methods and Comparisons" (with Alexandre Belloni, Robert Freund, and Duncan Simester)
Management Science (2008)

Working Papers:

"Buying from a Competitor: A Model of Knowledge Spillover and Innovation" (with Dominique Lauga and Mohammad Zia)
Revise and resubmit, Marketing Science