Interview questions...

Post date: Nov 14, 2014 2:21:43 PM

Viva los period 6!!

0.1. Five dubz… who, what, where, when…

1. What did your mother, father, brothers, sisters, uncles, bf, gf, do, think, say, feel, about…

2. How would your life been different w/o WWII?

3. Before and after? Social, pol, econ, edu, etc.

4. Make or lose friend?

5. What’s the moral of this story? What advice would you offer ME based on your experiences in WWII?

6. Who was the most important in your life? Who did you turn to for help?

7. Generational differences in attitude?

8. Most vivid memory? Why?

9. Best & worst moments? How did you cope?

10. Response to Pearl?

11. Beginning & end?

12. Fun, recreation & relaxation?

13. Idea of AH? What did you know and when did you know it? Holocaust?

14. Did you support the war? Why?

15. What about ‘Nam, Iraq I & II, Afgh, Iraq III? Why the diffs if any?

16. Would you change anything - events or personal choices? Was it in your power?

17. To what extent did your participation affect others?

18. Atom bombing of Japan?

19. What did your teachers say?

20. How did the nation (or nations) change as a result of WWII?

21. Did the war change you? How?

22. Did you lose friends family? How? Effect you and others?

23. Did the war affect your day-to-day routines?

24. Experience & effect of media, propaganda?

25. What do you think about Germans, Japanese, Italians, Jews, Americans, the UK, France, etc?

26. Can you forgive?

27. Have you any regrets?

28. Most frightening moment?

29. How fast did time travel during the war? Why?

30. What do you hope I will learn from my conversation with you?

For those who served (and resisted):

1. Were you involved in combat? Would you mind discussing it?

2. 5Ws…

3. How did you join? Did you want to go?

4. What was training like? Did it prepare you?

5. Day in the life, dawn to dark…

6. Transition to civilian life?

7. Best and worst person you knew?

26. Can you forgive?

27. Have you any regrets?

28. Ever physically defend yourself?

29. Tell me about your CO or COs?

30. Did you experience or witness PTSD? Effects?

31. What did you carry? Gear, provisions, etc?

For Holocaust survivors:

1. How do you explain why you survived?

2. Best and worst person you knew?

3. What did your parents do for you?

26. Can you forgive?

27. Have you any regrets?

Most frightening moment?

28. Ever physically defend yourself?

For civilians:

1. Were you afraid? Why?

2. What did your parents do for you?

26. Can you forgive?

27. Have you any regrets?