Instructional videos

Genres, Son! - video that uses movie clips to teach different genres

Dictionary Guide Words - video that is a good introduction to guide words

Reference Materials 1 - Dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia

Reference Materials 2 - Atlas and almanac

How to write a summary - goes over the somebody, wanted, but, so, then formula for a summary

Reference Materials - review of different reference books

Fiction v. Non Fiction - Harry Kindergarten video contrasting fiction and nonfiction in simple terms.

Kid President on MLK, Jr.

Synonym Symphony - This song highlights the importance of synonym usage in the English language.

Opposites - Hot or cold... young or old... you'll enjoy this tune by The String Beans.

Figurative Language

Main Idea


Idioms - 5th-grade students give examples of idioms and their meanings.

Online Safety with Phineas and Ferb

Genius Hour - explains Genius Hour

How to use an Almanac

Reading Rainbow Follow the Drinking Goard

Your Reference Team

Features of Nonfiction - explains nonfiction text features

Little Red Riding Mood - talks about cyber bullying

Personal information (K-3) - good explanation about what is personal information that you do not want to share on the internet

Personal information (4-6) - good explanation about what is personal information that you do not want to share on the internet