AP Winter Break OPTIONAL Test

Here is the information that you will need to complete the Winter Break OPTIONAL Test Assignment:

  1. It is OPTIONAL

  2. It will count for 10 points in the TEST Category. If you only complete half of the assignment you will not be given any points. So do not worry about this having a negative impact on your overall grade. If you choose not to do it the assignment will appear as a "Excused No Count" on skyward

  3. Due at the beginning of class on the day that we return from break. assignments turned in after this day will not be accepted. This includes the unfortunate circumstance of forgetting an assignment at home, in your car, etc. See the next section for what you need to TURN IN.

  4. There is a legend for content information: "1" means covered 1st semester content; "1+" means not yest covered 1st semester content; "2" means 2nd semester content.


  6. However you are encouraged to complete the entire test (but not extra credit will be provided- just a friendly smile).

To receive the full credit (10 points) on the assignment you must:

  1. Complete all the "1" MC and "1" FRQ questions

  2. Self grade with a different color pen. Make notes about misconceptions for EVERY wrong answer

  3. Print and respont to all of the quesitons on the REQUIRED REFLECTION. This does not need to be long, just thoughtful. If the reflection is not completed then no credit will be given.

  4. TURN IN: Corrected MC Questions, Corrected FRQs, Reflection

Tips and advice:

  1. Just print the MC answer page. Consider prongint the FRQs. DO NOT PRINT the entire pdf unless you want to use a lot of paper and ink.

  2. For the FRQ's answer them on separate sheets of blank paper or print the individual questions

  3. You may use notes as you answer the questions.

  4. Work on this with a friend.

  5. This will take a while so try to space out your time wisely.