Weather Watchers

Weather Watchers Powerpoint

1. What are clouds made of, and why don’t they all look the same?

2. In what direction do air masses move across the country? Why?

3. What are the conditions that would cause snow to form?

4. What does a barometer measure, and how is this information useful?

5. What happens to water vapor as it rises higher and higher in the air? Why does it rise?

6. In what layer of the atmosphere do storms form? Draw a diagram showing atmospheric layers. How does temperature vary among the layers?

7. Describe the change in density of the air as you move farther away from the earth. Explain this phenomenon.


Have each person draw something they've learned about WEATHER to decorate your scale. Stick your drawings on to the card that has your scale.


Have each person decorate streamers and tape them to the cups. Use tape to hang each cup under the four straw ends. Make sure all the cups are facing the same direction.

Wind Vane

Have one person cut out and color the arrow head of the wind vane. Have another person cut out and color the tail of the wind vane. Have a third person decorate the base (paper plate).