Monday, March 23

Post date: Mar 23, 2015 10:01:31 PM

Religion = Practice Tenebrae, Have parents sign study sheet each night and must practice once a night

Literature Gr 7/8 finish story and do p. 400 1-5 question


Gr 7/8 write a paragraph using all the words and its due Wednesday

Gr 5/6 Write a sentence for each word list

Gr 5/6 going to 7/8 words write the words 5 times each

Spelling City or Wordly Wise


book for March Book REport


Gr 5 p. 290-291

Gr 6 IXL 15 min

Gr 7 p. 251 30-38 47, 49 51, 53 and 1-13

Gr 8 p. 568 1-8, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23

Social Studies - finish questions p. 230-231

Field Trip forms for Wednesday