Mrs. Best's Class!

Welcome to the 2019-20 School Year!

This is our class website! This is a great way of seeing new information and anything else related to our class! Take a look around. Use the tabs at the top to visit different pages.

Click my name :)

Barwell ES


Classroom news and announcements will be posted right here on the front page!

Older news will be pushed down as new announcements are added.

Welcome to the 2019-20 School Year!

If you click on the "Class Documents" tab at the top you will see some classroom documents. I will continue to add info and documents here as we lead up to track in. You can look through these and become familiar with our class website! More information will come home on the first day.

Please register for our class by using the link below!

Thanks and I can't wait for the first day!! :)

Mrs. B