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What we do

We study the simple model bacterium E. coli, through its genes, proteins and metabolites and how they interact in the living cell. This includes activities such as discovering and characterising new enzymes. We aim at a better understanding of bacterial metabolic function, a fundamental cellular process that is deeply connected to all other cellular activities. All energy and mass/molecular transformations happening in the cell are what metabolism is all about. We are also trying to better understand how metabolic function is reorganised during adaption to new environments, during growth in biofilms and also how the dynamics of bacterial populations are connected to the cellular metabolic network.

While these are fundamental research objectives, they have broad potential applications for metabolic engineering and human/animal health because E. coli is a major ally for bio-production and for human digestive and metabolic function.

With E. coli we can perform experiments safely, rapidly, and conveniently in a matter of hours or days, a task that could otherwise take weeks, months, if not years, using most other organisms. Moreover, functional discoveries made in E. coli can usually apply to most other living organisms.

This is the research and education site of Martin Robert at Tohoku University in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. Please contact us if you'd like to know more or leave us a comment on these pages. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in collaborations or in joining us to do research together (internships, postdoc position possible).

We have already identified new enzymes, developed software tools for metabolomics data analysis, and quantified numerous biomolecules in cells that shed light on complex cellular phenomena. But there is still plenty to do. You just need a vivid interest and enthusiasm, determination, and a drive to learn! Come and enjoy with us the scientific adventures and natural attractions of Japan’s Northeast!

For more details see our research page.

Keywords: E. coli, metabolomics, proteomics, biochemistry, biofilms, cellular dynamics, systems biology, complex systems, socio-biology, adaptive evolution

M. Robert 2013-2019