ALVIN - Automatic Lateral Ventricle delIneatioN is a fully automated algorithm which works within SPM8 to segment the lateral ventricles from structural MRI images.
Click here to Download ALVIN v1.0 an SPM8 extension. See also ALVIN Instructions.
ALVIN has been tested using the Brain Segmentation Testing Protocol and is valid for use in adults, patients with Alzheimer's disease and infants. The software is robust enough to work with T1 and T2 weighted images and takes approximately 10 minutes per subject. For information regarding the validation please see our paper published in Neuroimage.
We tested the algorithm using the Brain Segmentation Testing Protocol and the results are given below.
*Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (single measure, 2-way mixed, consistency) for further information see our paper
The volumes from the accuracy test compared to manual segmentations, FSL FIRST and FreeSurfer may be downloaded here:
Volume tables of lateral ventricle volumes
Segmented Images(77 images, 3Mb) of the lateral ventricles by ALVIN, FSL FIRST and FreeSurfer using the accuracy dataset.