--------Substitute Plan March 14 2024------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for covering for me, Brian!

Me: Michael, c: 510-827-8781 &

A map of the rooms is on the generic sub plan page on my desk (tall, white, @windows, a little dusty)


Assignments are on Google Classroom. Most students are working on carving a 2D image into a tile, turning a painting/photo into a 3D carving. They may use their phones to view their images. If anyone is on their phone doing something else, feel free to tell them to put away their phone, or to get back to work. Some students have not started this assignment yet, or just started it. A few newly enrolled students throughout the day are working on 1st Semester assignments. A students *might* need to use one of my laptops to access gClassroom, feel free to hand over the one on my desk

SEATING CHART is on my white desk. It is mostly accurate, and you may tell students to return to their assigned seats if they make any claim or request to sit elsewhere--you'd know if they are lying. 'A' period' a student sits alone at a single desk past the sink. 5th period a student--Jose Del Rio--*was* required to sit at that single desk, but just started earning his way back--feel free to move him back to the single desk if he screws up even a little. Feel free to call the office and have a campus safety person remove him from the classroom, if he doesnt easily move.


You have 2 Teacher Assistant students, Ethan (highly motivated) during 'A'/'Zero' Period, and Elias (needs prompting) 4rd pd, both are responsible. They should know their 1st priority is recycling clay using the clay mixing machine and reloading the BLUE TUB(S) next to the mixing machine, where most all students should know to get clay.  

I have left you a rolling cart with rectangular bags of fresh, new clay, and some fishing-wire, to cut it.  This is your 'emergency clay supply' if there is no clay in the blue tub, or for your convenience. Please keep control of the distribution of this clay, and try to limit the amount taken, if possible, but it *is* okay to distribute this. More is in the large back room stacked on the floor--see the map for the correct stack!!!. There are two 'fishing line' tools clipped to this cart. Have A-Period Ethan show you how to open and cut this clay. Or, feel free to tear or cut off the back using your hands or scissors, but then cover the exposed clay in plastic to prevent it from drying out. Large plastic sheets can be found on the  black bookshelf near the clay mixer.

There are LARGE (5gal) WHITE BUCKETS on the left end of the orange counter. Only the left-most one has no lid. This is where students return clay. If there is a shortage of clay at some point, you can have students get clay from there. PLEASE MAKE SURE THESE LIDS ARE ON AT END OF DAY. IF THEY FILL, YOU CAN DUMP IT INTO THE BLUE TUBS NEAR MY DESK.


The door to the narrow room in back is usually open, i closed this for you, just so you don't have to deal with these areas. TA's are welcome to go back there. Some students may need to go back there, but pls try to keep this to a minimum. My concern is that some of the drying racks back there are not stable.  


Students will have started clean-up procedures 7 min before the end of the period. Probably earlier in my absence. 

A couple minutes before the end of 5th period, remind students to ‘put *ALL* the stools & chairs at their table up’ and that 'all the slip containers have lids on completely and securely


Please be sure the blue Rubbermaid tub(s) clay, any open ‘new clay’ bags, and all the buckets with clay have lids fully on at the end of the period, or are otherwise covered in plastic, especially after 5th, my last period. There are also 3-to-5 round plastic lidded  food containers on students tables. These contain watered-down clay called 'slip' that is used like glue, and needs to be kept soft and wet--please make sure the lids are on these, or they are covered with a piece of plastic bag



-------------------------------------------------END OF SUB PLAN------------------------------------------------

Early-in-Year assignments

[Intro to Ceramics]

[Roulettes: ]

[Kiln Gods!: ]

{Coil Pot Slides:]

[Coil Pot Instructions]  

[Rolling Slab & Cutting Parts: ]

[Face Mug Vids: Sculpt Realistic Nose:              2 Ways to Sculpt Eyes:      Face Mug Lips: ]


[**Sorry, the site was converted from old Google Sites and I havent bothered to fix it since then, Sept, '21  ;/  ]

also find me at  

                 Born-and-raised in Chicago, I received a B.A. in Legal Studies from Chapman University (’92) and an M.A. in Political Science from SFSU (’98). I spent several years in Mobile/Wireless computing as a strategist, analyst, writer, inventor, and social scientist exploring human-computer interaction and usability. In early 2000, I predicted in an interview with a top wireless-industry magazine that “Americans will never start texting”. My students prove me wrong every day. I also spent a couple of misguided years with Wells Fargo and Citibank, in Mortgage Banking.

I taught Social Studies for eight years, including at Kennedy High in Richmond, Acalanes High in Lafayette, Northgate High in Walnut Creek, and Middle College High School at Las Positas Community College in Livermore, and served as a lecturer with CSU East Bay’s Political Science department. Before I started teaching High School Social Studies I had the spare time for camping, painting landscapes plein-aire, and throwing pottery on the wheel. Starting in 2019, I began a new adventure: teaching High School Ceramics!    


Substitute: Thanks for covering. I will call the classroom landline at start of period. Instructions for students is in their gClassroom. Please monitor clay distribution, return, and cleanup. A wobbly cart w/ black&yellow containers on top *should* have more than enough clay for at least part of the day. More clay can be found in bags in the closet across from the Kiln Room

Sounds like they are trying to pull one over on Subs this week so... **Feel free to announce: "No one is permitted to leave to go anywhere other than bathroom" (my regular policy). Feel free to limit bathroom to one-at-a-time (not my normal policy--and the bathroom pass seemed to have gone missing at the very end of last sem, sorry)

If helpful, we can Zoom:     Meeting ID: 263 011 5188   Passcode: 9TKNjV  


 Please start 2nd period as TA and make up that time in your actual TA period.  Tasks:

Bring out the clay from the Kiln Room *carefully*--get help from strong people!

Pour some Slip (from the Slip Bottle near the Kiln Room sink) into slip-containers for each table

Put out a large supply of PLASTIC BAGS for wrapping up work: found either in my cabinet area behind whiteboards, or a larger box of many rolls beneath the whiteboards

Erase an old whiteboard assignment and leave large mssg in RED for later periods: "Substitute, pls see


If more clay is needed, it can be found in bags inside the closet across from the Kiln Room

I will ask a student(s) --at the end of the period-- to put the clay from the 'recycle' buckets (clay used during 2nd period today) into plastic bags, so it doesn't dry out, seal them well, and store them in the Kiln Room. 'Plastic Bags' could be the empties found in a box under the white 'used-clay' buckets, or the new bags used for students wrapping up their work. Or, if a black/yellow plastic container is now empty, it can be put in there, with a *lightly damp* large sponge on top of the pile of clay, and the lid sealed tightly.

Near the end of the period, do the same with 4th period's clay
