
Digital Book

This is our final unit. We will be studying the basic classifications and functions of biological molecules. The biological molecules we will be focusing on are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. The functions we will be focusing on are energy transforming, energy storing, and information storing/processing. We will study how the functional group chemistry we spent the previous six units on ties into these fundamental processes and their structures as well. We will tie in what we know about polarity, acid-base relationships, electronegativity, solubility, and bonding to help understand why the basic biomolecules behave chemically the way they do. We will also learn about enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, metabolism, respiration, states of matter, and functional group conversion/synthesis. We will learn how all of these topics tie together and combine into streamlined processes that allow life to thrive.

Last web assignment of the year! Please fill out the course evaluation linked below. Please put thought into your answers. This is one of the main ways to leave a positive impact on the future organic chemistry classes!