Unit Number 2

Digital Book

This is the first crucial chapter in chemistry. Everything we do in this course will hinge on this chapter. You will learn how to use dimensional analysis to convert any chemical quantity into another. Make sure you ask questions and do your homework because this chapter is a pivotal point in your chemistry career. By Friday September 16th be sure you have watched the video on the main page. Take notes as you watch the video. Then solve the following problem using dimensional analysis.

  • Mr. Krabs wants Spongebob to make 1550 Krabby Paties. If it takes Spongebob 12.00 seconds to make three patties how much money will it cost Mr. Krabbs to have Spongebob make those patties. Assume Spongebob has agreed to a daily salary of $1 per day after all remember Spongebob loves his job at the Krusty Krab!