Mathematics of Chemical Formulas

Unit 7 Digital Book

After all of the hard work you have done throughout the semester you can finally begin to do some academic chemistry. We will introduce stoichiometry which is a staple to any chemistry curriculum. We will learn what a mole is and why it is a helpful unit. We will learn about, percent composition, molar relationships, and how to predict formulas based on masses. This will be a challenging lesson because it puts dimensional analysis to work. If you have been putting your time in to learn the previous lessons it should not be too tough. By Friday Dec. 9th be sure you have watched the video on the main page. Take 10 notes. Then Click on the digital book and read through new material that either interests you, or information on topics you found confusing. Take 10 more notes. As usual be sure to color code these notes. Lastly tell me one thing you plan on doing during the next semester that will help you that you did not do during this semester. That's 21 color coded notes!