
Welcome to Ms. Phong's class website!

Dear students,

This year, we will be learning math in a way that will most likely be unfamiliar to all of us. Online learning will present a new set of challenges to all of us. However, we will continue to acquire new math knowledge during this school year and you will still be supported to ensure that you are successful in class.

We will be using Google Classroom as the main hub of information and where you will be turning in all your assignments. You can find important information, class announcements, weekly agendas, and the links to our online meetings on the STREAM tab of Google Classroom.

You can find daily lesson notes and homework assignments posted on the CLASSWORK tab of Google Classroom. You can find feedback and grades for your assignments in the GRADES tab of Google Classroom.

Google Classroom has its own calendar which will reflect assignments due dates and assessment dates.

If you have any questions or concern, please email me.


Schedule 2020 - 2021

Quarter 1/3:

Period 1: AP Statistics

Period 2: AP Statistics

Period 3: Geometry

Quarter 2/4:

Period 4: Geometry

Period 5: AP Comp. Sci. Principles

Office hour: 1:15-2pm

Period 1/4: Monday

Period 2/5: Tuesday

Period 3/6: Thursday

"Mathematics is one of the essential emanations of the human spirit, a thing to be valued in and for itself, like art or poetry." - Oswald Veblen