
Dahlquist DQ-LP1

This page contains reference information on the Dahlquist DQ-LP1 electronic crossover.

Last updated 10/14/2011.


Above: Front & rear photos.

Above: Interior, unmodified.

Instruction Manual (4 pages):

Above: Instruction manual, page 1 of 4.

Above: Instruction manual, page 2 of 4.

Above: Instruction manual, page 3 of 4.

Above: Instruction manual, page 4 of 4.

The Absolute Sound review, Vol 3 No. 9, 1977:

Above: The Absolute Sound review, 1977, page 1 of 2.

Above: The Absolute Sound review, 1977, page 2 of 2.

Audio Basics article (by Frank Van Alstine) with mods, May 1989:

Above: Audio Basics DQ-LP1 Mods, 1989, page 1 of 3.

Above: Audio Basics DQ-LP1 Mods, 1989, page 2 of 3.

Above: Audio Basics DQ-LP1 Mods, 1989, page 3 of 3.


Above: Another copy of the DQ-LP1 Schematic. Click to enlarge.

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