I am a Quantum Research Scientist at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Center for Quantum Computing. My broad area of research is quantum optics and atomic physics, and in particular, cavity QED. My primary interests lie in hardware+software-based realization of quantum computer and quantum networks. Previously, as one of the first hires at the AWS Center for Quantum Networking in Boston-MA, contributed to the development of quantum networking hardware: (a) Led the efforts on efficient characterization and control of quantum memories based on silicon-vacancy centers in diamond and operating at mK-temperatures; (b) Designed and built software and hardware components of a quantum control stack for operating quantum memories.

I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Summer 2021) from Princeton University in the field of quantum information science and engineering, advised by Prof. Jeff Thompson. In Thompson lab, I worked on engineering control over individual erbium ions (doped in a crystalline host) using silicon nanophotonic circuits. Potentially, this platform can be used as quantum memories and single photon sources operating at the telecom wavelength for quantum communication and network applications. I was also a Postdoctoral Scholar in Prof. David Awschalom's group at The University of Chicago, working with individually-addressed spin qubits in silicon carbide. Further details here: Google Scholar, Research, Publications. 

Prior to joining Princeton University, I graduated from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur with a B.S. and M.S. in Physics (2015).