Mostafa Sabri


Mathematics Division, Building A2, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Office A2-121.

Email :

Brief Bio : I graduated from Cairo university in 2009, then I did my master and PhD in France (Paris 7 Denis-Diderot), under Anne Boutet de Monvel and Victor Chulaevsky, defending my thesis in 2014. I then became an assistant professor in Cairo in 2015. Afterwards I came back to France during 2016-2019 where I did two postdocs, the first in Strasbourg with Nalini Anantharaman. The second at Orsay, with Stéphane Nonnenmacher. I then came back to Cairo as faculty. I then moved to New York University, Abu Dhabi campus (NYUAD) in 2022, first spending a research year to work with Pierre Youssef, then as faculty in 2023.


Book Chapters and Conferences Proceedings:

Note: These papers consist of original results, they are neither summaries nor reviews.

Lecture Notes


       List of reviews (posted here with permission from the AMS) as of May 2023.

       The Baker Map (First half tested on high school students.).

       Introduction to graph spectra. Slides. Videos (in French): Part 1. Part 2.


Invited Talks