Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economic Policy,  Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Visiting Fellow at iCRIOS (Bocconi University) and BRICK - Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin. My research interests are in the field of economics of innovation and extend to the economics of patents, the new economics of science, technology and labour markets and, finally, university technology transfer. My teaching activity is on Industrial Economics, Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights. I have been consultant for the European Commission, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. 

CV and Official webpage: http://docenti.unicatt.it/ita/fabio_montobbio/ 

Google scholar citations: http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=p8wzwy4AAAAJ&hl=it 


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9917-2344; Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6506436826; Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/fabio-montobbio/7/831/3b2


Work in progress

Recent Publications

Montobbio, F., Staccioli J., Virgillito ME, Vivarelli M. (2023); Labour-Saving Automation and Occupational Exposure: A Text-Similarity Measure. The World Economy. (link)

Montobbio, F., Staccioli J., Virgillito ME, Vivarelli M. (2023); The empirics of technology, employment and occupations: Lessons learned and challenges ahead. Journal of Economic Surveys. (link

Montobbio, F., Staccioli J., Virgillito ME, Vivarelli M. (2022) Robots and the origin of their labour-saving impact.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.  v. 174 (Jan), 121122 (link) 

Fontana M., Iori M., Montobbio F., Sinatra R. (2020); New and atypical combinations: An assessment of novelty and interdisciplinarity. Research Policy, Volume 49, Issue 7, September 2020, 104063. (link) 

De Marco A, Caviggioli F., Montobbio F., Ughetto E. (2020); The licensing and selling of inventions by US universities Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 159, October 2020, 120189 (link) 

 Lissoni F., Montobbio F., Zirulia L. (2020); Misallocation of Scientific Credit: the Role of Hierarchy and Preferences. An extension of Lissoni et al. (2013). Industrial and Corporate Change; August 2020 (link)

 Cappelli R., Montobbio F. (2020); Geographical distance puzzle in patent citations: intensive versus extensive margins; Applied Economic Letters; 27(10), 771-777 (link) 

 Cappelli, R., Montobbio F., Morrison A., (2020) Unemployment resistance across EU regions: the role of technological and human capital. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, July 2020. (link)

 Fontana, M., Montobbio, F., Racca, P. (2019); Topics and Geographical Diffusion of Knowledge in Top Economic Journals. Economic Inquiry, V. 57 (4), 1771-1797 (link) 

 Fassio, C., Montobbio, F., Venturini, A. (2019); Skilled migration and innovation in European industries. Research Policy. Volume 48(3), Pages 706-718. (link) 

 Cappelli R., Czarnitzky D., Doherr T., Montobbio F. (2019); Inventor Mobility and Productivity in Italian Regions. Regional Studies. 53:1, 43-54. (link)

Older publications: http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=p8wzwy4AAAAJ