Monika Kudlinska


Email: monika.kudlinska (at)

Address: Office N3.10, Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford, OX2 6GG.

Departmental website:

About me

I am a fourth year DPhil (PhD) candidate at the University of Oxford. I am jointly supervised by Martin Bridson and Dawid Kielak. Previously, I completed my Master's at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Mark Hagen.

Here is my CV.

My research interests

Broadly, my research lies in the areas of geometric group theory and low-dimensional topology.  I'm particularly interested in free-by-cyclic groups and other groups which fibre algebraically. My research combines traditional tools from geometric group theory, such as JSJ-decompositions and train track theory, with homological methods. 

I maintain a webpage on open problems in free-by-cyclic groups created as part of the AIM workshop on rigidity in free-by-cyclic groups. Get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions!