
Welcome on my website! I am an Assistant Professor (RTD/B) for Analysis at GSSI.

I got my PhD at SISSA in 2015 under the supervision of prof. Stefano Bianchini. Thereafter I spent four years (2015-2019) at the University of Leipzig as a Post-Doc in the group of prof. László Székelyhidi and three years (2019-2022) as Assistant Professor (W1) at the Department of Mathematics at TU Darmstadt

My research interests concern partial differential equations coming from continuum mechanics, in particular hyperbolic conservation laws, the equations of fluid dynamics, convex integration methods and transport with irregular flows. 


Upcoming conferences


Address: Viale Rendina 26-28, 67100 L'Aquila (Italy)

Office:        PT-03


E-Mail:       stefano.modena@gssi.it

(Last update: Oct 12, 2023)