Md Nasim

PhD candidate, Purdue University

Department of Computer Science,

Lawson Computer Science Bldg., Room-2149,

305 N. University Street,

Purdue University.

West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA.

Email: mnasim AT purdue DOT edu

Phone: 765-609-1997

I am a final year PhD student in Department of Computer Science, Purdue University. I work on designing efficient methods for accelerating scientific discovery of new knowledge from data. I have developed a collection of methods to address the lack of precise modeling, lack of efficient learning methods and lack of human-in-the-loop integrated frameworks in AI-driven scientific discovery workflow. My work has been deployed in the real world for rapid analysis of experimental videos and has led to the scientific discovery of a new property of material defects under extreme heat and irradiation. Prior to joining Purdue, I worked as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in United International University, Bangladesh. I received a BSc degree in 2015 from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh.

[Resume][Google Scholar][LinkedIn].

Research Highlights

To address the lack of precise modeling of physics learning tasks, we developed Neuradiff, an end-to-end method for learning phase field physics models from noisy video data. In previous learning approaches involving multiple disjoint steps, errors in one step can propagate to another, thus affecting the accuracy of the learned physics models. By encoding the physics model equations directly into learning, end-to-end Neuradiff framework can provide ~100% accurate tracking of material defects and yield correct physics model parameters.

To address the lack of efficient methods for partial differential equation (PDE) physics model learning, we developed Rapid-PDE method. We scale up learning these first-principle models harnessing randomized algorithm, exploiting the fact that the temporal evolution of many physical systems happens at the "small" interface of the system components and these changes are sparse. By exploiting this sparsity, Rapid-PDE can reduce PDE model learning times by 50-70%.

To address the lack of human-in-the-loop integrated frameworks for scientific discovery, we developed a framework to rapidly analyze terabytes of in situ irradiation experiment videos. In situ experiments are essential for analyzing material behaviors under extreme heat and irradiation, and designing sustainable materials. Using our framework, we were able to accelerate experimental video data analysis. Detailed analysis enabled by our framework led to the scientific discovery of the surprising size fluctuation of nano-size void defects in irradiated materials.