
Dresser, History of the Birds of Europe

Charadriiformes:  Laridae

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7 plates:  580, 594, 599A, 601, 604--605, 607

Page 1 link--  https://sites.google.com/site/mmslouisc/dresserbirdsofeurope:charadriiformes;lar

Plate 580.  Common Tern.  Sterna fluviatilis.

A cancel was pasted on this plate to convey the correct identity and name of the species figured.

1871.  Part 8.  Volume 8, pp. 263--272.

Plate 594.  Cuneate-tailed Gull.  Rhodostethia rosea.

1877.  Parts 57--58.  Volume 8, pp. 343--345.

Plate 599A.

Plate which appears in sequence after Plate 599.  It is not explicitly cited in Dresser on p. v of Volume 8.

Little Gull.  Larus minutus.

1871.  Part 4.   Volume 8, pp. 371--380 (same as for Plate 599).

Plate 601.  1)  Audouin's Gull.  Larus audouini.    2)  Slender-billed Gull.  Larus gelastes.

1878.  Parts 69--70 (Larus audouini), 71--72 (Larus gelastes).  Volume 8, pp. 389-393 (Larus audouini), 395--397.

Plate 604.  Greater Black-backed Gull.  Larus marinus.

1872.  Part 15.  Volume 8, pp. 427--432.

Plate 605.  Glaucous Gull.  Larus glaucus.

1877.  Parts 59--60.  Volume 8, pp. 433--438.

Plate 607.



1878.  Parts 73--74.  Volume 8,