Whose goals are they anyway?

Post date: Jan 29, 2018 8:04:56 PM

What if my son wants to be a monster truck driver when he gets older? Should he be told by those in the education system that isn’t a worthwhile goal? Should he be told either indirectly or directly? Directly is obvious. Indirectly by telling him taking 3 years of science ending with chemistry is more useful? 4 years of math ending in calculus more useful? Why? What are we really expecting our students go grow up to be? Academics & college professors?

Who is to say which career is more enticing/fulfilling/rewarding/worth the effort? How many people are staring at computers or other mindless, non-fulfilling work and have college degrees and "played school" well? How many of these people did ‘school’ and got ‘educated’ beyond high school and now are drowning in debt or feel no satisfaction or joy from their livelihood? Would the school say these careers were “better” than something off-kilter like monster truck driving? Are these people better than those who don't want to comply?Are they better people?

What were their ambitions? What were their dreams? What should we be promoting?

How can we blend what we have to do with what we should be doing?

ML 1/29/18