Tortoise or Hare?

Post date: Feb 6, 2018 5:47:55 PM

How fast can our students learn things? How many examples of the same concept can be presented before the students can perform independently?

If you know about brain science or are a teacher of any kind you know the answer…it depends. Different people learn different things at different speeds. So why do we force both our students and teachers inside a box that says you must go “this fast”?

Which are we concerned with as educators: the concept of learning or the concept of time? Which should be the variable and which should be the constant? Learning is, after all, a big experiment. There is no one right way to learn or teach.

Learning should be constant. Time should be variable.

**Inspired by a walk-by of a kindergarten classroom in which the teacher told a student to stop working ahead (in math) citing it was the third time the student was being told.**

ML 2/6/18