Just One Stick

The other week we had a neighbor take down a tree on the side of the house. He even cut the tree into little pieces for us. That was the easy part as there was still a cut up tree laying in our driveway. When it comes to yard work, well manual labor in general, I am not the most 'take initiative' individual so it has been sitting there...for over a week. Jackie knows me too well though and which cards to play.

"I'm going outside to drag some of the brush into the woods." She put her headphones in and out the door she went.

It took all of five minutes for me to decide to go help her. This, however, isn't the card she played. Jackie knows once I get started doing something I will not stop until it is finished. With that being said, two hours of hauling brush into the woods all started with...you guessed it, just one stick.

I am going to use this one stick (this post) as well as my support crew, my #4OCFPLN voxer crew, to be the jumping off point for getting back into blogging. I appreciate this group more than I ever thought I could a group of folks I've never met!

All it takes is one stick, one step to move towards something you want to do. Take it.

ML 7/17/18