5 words

Post date: Feb 8, 2018 1:58:13 PM

I decided to take the night off from my Voxer chats last night and save whatever came through for the next morning’s commute. SO GLAD I DID. I dove into my “Shift This” group ready to be inspired by the 13 notifications. There were five messages from the pirate himself…Dave Burgess. One message really got me juiced for the day and it was about ‘your 5 word GPS’.

Dave in paraphrased, nutshell form…What five words do you want students to use to describe their time in your classroom? Do you have them? Now look at your current and future lessons…do they align with what you want your students to say about your class? NO? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT…don’t let your GPS constantly say ‘Recalculating…’

If you have ever heard Dave speak then you know that short paragraph of text cannot do justice the energy and inspiration he delivers! If you haven’t heard him speak---Do. It. Now.

My 5:






What are yours?

ML 2/8/18