
Professional Website

How to make a professional website....

1. Create a new Google home page

Sign into your account at . On the Site Manager page, use the pull down menu in the upper right side of the screen to select "Create a New Site." This allows you to develop a new professional site that is not tied to your personal web site. Please name it carefully as this will be part of the URL you send to me and your parents.

2. Use your web creation skills

Organize your site as you see fit. If you need a refresher in how to work in Google sites, please refer to the Site Manager.

3. Submit your new URL

When you have completed your portfolio, send the URL of your web site to Miss Kinder at

~~~~~Practice and Assignment~~~~~

The requirements for this assignment are purposely flexible so you can tailor the site to fit your interests and strengths.

As your site is scored, I'll look for:

    • 1. Pleasing home page that grabs attention and interest
    • 2. Multiple pages to differentiate your chosen content. These pages should contain information and pictures regarding your topic.


  • Easy-to-follow navigation between pages
  • At least two images related to your content