Kaleidoscope Program

The Kaleidoscope Program offered at St. Philip Prep is a unique, accelerated, educational program that is extended to students in grades 1 through 8 who qualify.  Through daily instruction, the Kaleidoscope team works actively to create a challenging learning environment that continuously encourages all students to reach their fullest potential. 

Using a modified and accelerated curriculum, this program particularly addresses modes of creative problem solving, interdisciplinary activities, cooperative learning, independent study opportunities and responsibility.




                                           1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade

The goal of the Little Kaleidoscope Reading Program is to develop the student's ability select, read independently, and think in a more complex way about literature.  


                                                   1st & 2nd Grade

The goal of the Little Kaleidoscope's Math Program is to develop and challenge the student's skills in an enriching and accelerated atmosphere.