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By Ph.D. Igor Bobin

September 24, 2017


By Ph.D. Igor Bobin and Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

August 25, 2017

The hardening is an important physical process at the industrial production. The most famous examples are pelletizing of iron ore or briquetting of coal and peat. Our modeling approach to the hardening kinetics allows carry direct calculation of the hardening velocity, pioneering move. The use of I. Bobin's operational formulas of the hardening kinetics and velocity allows: 1. Reduce the cost of obtaining products with the required strength. 2. Effectively manage the process of hardening of products. 3. Optimize the process of hardening finished products and semi-finished products. 4. Reduce the number of production areas. 5. Reduce the cost of drying and hardening products. In this manner the modeling of hardening kinetics is an indispensable tool for analisis of the mineral technology and other. The immediate analytical description and a visual representation of the hardening velocity in time are very important for solving optimization problem of production processing. The formulas of the hardening velocity can be used everywhere with success where a product (or semi-product) acquires strength over time. More..,

Often in the metallurgy and coal industry, products and semi-products do not have the necessary strength. It takes time to harden them. Sometimes it takes a few minutes or many hours. These processes also can have delay. Therefore, studying the kinetics of hardening is an important task. The Dr. I. Bobin's operational formulas of the hardening kinetics can be used in: 1. Metallurgy. When producing metals and alloys 2. Mining and metallurgy. At the pelletizing of iron ore and other products. 3. Mining and metallurgy. When manufacturing briquettes from coal, coke, anthracite, peat and gold, copper, nickel, manganese ore. 4. Mining. At the storage of tailings produced by extrusion. 5. Construction business. At the making products from concrete, cement, asphalt and other composite mixtures. 6. Chemical industry. At the production of granules from dry reagents. 7. Food industry. At the pelletizing of animal feeds. 8. Pharmaceutical industry. When making tablets. Thus, Bobin's formulas can be used everywhere with success where a product (or semi-product) is obtained, which acquires strength over time. Bobin's formulas provide very high accuracy of calculations when using MATLAB functions of numerical integration and it's almost free. More....

© Ph.D. Igor Bobin
