Milena Djourelova

Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Cornell. I am an applied microeconomist working on topics in political economy. I completed my PhD in Economics at Universtat Pompeu Fabra in 2021 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago in 2021-22.

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You can find my CV here.

Working Papers:

In Their Shoes  

(with Marianne Andries, Leonardo Bursztyn and Thomas Chaney), June 2024

Experience, Narratives, and Climate Change Beliefs 

(with Ruben Durante, Elliot Motte and Eleonora Patacchini), June 2024

Work in Progress:

The Electoral Effects of Voting Technology: Evidence from Bulgaria

(with Teodora Tsankova)


The Impact of Online Competition on Local Newspapers: Evidence from the Introduction of Craigslist 

(with Ruben Durante and Greg Martin) 

Review of Economic Studies,  forthcoming[data]

Persuasion through Slanted Language: Evidence from the Media Coverage of Immigration 

American Economic Review (2023)113(3): 800-835


Summary: Econimate, AEA Highlights

Media Attention and Strategic Timing in Politics: Evidence from Presidential Executive Orders 

(with Ruben Durante)

American Journal of Political Science (2022), 66(4): 813-834 


The Great Recession and Social Preferences: Evidence from Ukraine  

(with Ralph De Haas and Elena Nikolova)

Journal of Comparative Economics (2016), 44(1): 92-107 

Other Publications:

Media Slant and Public Policy Views 

(with Ruben Durante, Elliot Motte and Eleonora Patacchini)

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, forthcoming