
Michael Zibulevsky

Михаил Цыбулевский,Технион
Цыбулевский Михаил Леонидович
מיכאל ציבולבסקי

Principal Research Fellow

Department of Computer Science

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Email: mzib@cs.technion.ac.il, mzibul@gmail.com

Tel: 054-784-7738
Medium homepage: https://medium.com/@michaelzibulevsky

Research Interests

Numerical optimization, deep learning, sparse signal representations, independent component analysis, inverse problems in medical imaging


YouTube video 


Radiation design in computed tomography via convex optimization https://youtu.be/PuW4bcbmYqw

Neural Networks

      In-class recordings:

       Image / Signal Processing

       School Math 

Presentations (slides)

Matlab Code

Selected Publications

See the latest publications at my Google Scholar page:

Book Chapters:

Papers and Reports:


Pointers to Other Pages

AMPL: A Modeling Language for Optimization

ICA - Independent Component Analysis

Some Bibliography on ICA and sparse decomposition


www.mathtools.net - Scientific computing links for MATLAB, C/C+, Fortran and others

NetLib: free numerical libraries

Wavelet Digest

CONNECTIONISTS: neural computation mailing list

Book: Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe

Slides to the book book Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe

ICA page-papers,code,demo,links by Paris Smaragdis at MIT

ICA (independent component analysis by Allan Barros, Site in Japan )

ICA page of SALK Computational Neuroscience Laboratory

ICA CENTRAL: web page + mailing list (by Jean-François Cardoso)