How To Enable Different Views

If you used the updated FM19 version of the Mod then these instructions are pretty much the same, however FM20 doesn't seem to like editing the widgets so I have left that code out for the moment.

To simplify things I have changed how you go about enabling different view, whilst I've managed to include a couple of alternative views which you can select in the normal way through the drop-down menu in the game, for the team related screens it wasn't really possible to do that so to adjust them you'll need to alter the xml files like with older versions of the mods.

First in the panels/match folder the four main xml files are:

match in between highlights panel - This controls the main IBH Panel that shows during a match whilst there are no highlights.

match in between highlights panel review - This file controls the Post Match screen and is set out in the same way as the main panel above.

match mid match review panel - This panel appears when a match goes to Half Time.

match full time review panel - This panel appears when a match finishes. Both of these files are edited in the same way.

In each of those files I have used codes to denote what code corresponds to which panel in game.

The two IBH panels are set out like:



And the two Review panels are set out like:



Following those codes you then have a number where the number corresponds to the panel type, so 1 is for the Overview, 2 is for Match Stats, 3 is for Formation etc.. The numbers are the same in each file even though not all views may be selectable in each file.

To change the default appearance for the various widgets that you can select in the above files you'll need to locate the code for the panel you want to edit and then locate the type of panel you want to edit.

For example if you wanted to use the Small Formation panel in the Formation widget on the Top Left Panel in the IBH panel then in the match in between highlights panel xml you would scroll through the file until you got to the LLT section and you'd need look for the bit for the formation which will be noted <!-- LLT3 Formation

Under this comment you'll notice two widgets one is for the Home team and the other is for the Away team so in this case you'll want to edit both lines.

In case you are struggling the section of code you need to locate in this (starts at Line #45):

<!-- LLT3 Formation - first widget is for H team, 2 for A team. if want a different view change the file bit on both to point to alternative file -->

<widget class="match_formation_panel" id="hmtt" file="match/match formation panel ibh" team_index="0" read_only="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230056" type="use" value="Tactics" />


<widget class="match_formation_panel" id="amtt" file="match/match formation panel ibh" team_index="1" read_only="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230056" type="use" value="Tactics" />


And the bit we want is the file bit, this tells the game what code to use, in this case it is point to the match formation panel ibh which is the full size formation panel, but we want the small one and if you look in the panels/match folder for this mod you'll see we have another file called match formation small panel ibh which is what we need to point to on the above lines, so in the file lines above change the linked file so the code shold now look like this:

<!-- LLT3 Formation - first widget is for H team, 2 for A team. if want a different view change the file bit on both to point to alternative file -->

<widget class="match_formation_panel" id="hmtt" file="match/match formation small panel ibh" team_index="0" read_only="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230056" type="use" value="Tactics" />


<widget class="match_formation_panel" id="amtt" file="match/match formation small panel ibh" team_index="1" read_only="true">

<translation id="title" translation_id="230056" type="use" value="Tactics" />


NOTE: That you need to leave the match/ bit at the front of the file path.

And if you want to change this for the other panels on this screen you'll need to do the same for each of the panels and if you want it to apply on the other screens you'll need to edit their xml files. The easiest way to replace several instances of code is to use the replace all option, but if doing this make sure you keep the match/ bit.

List of Default and Custom Alternative Views

Below you will find a list of the default and custom alternative views I have provided with the mod (I've included the default enabled views for reference in case you mess up editing to save you having to redownload the mod). Each of these views can be used across the various IBH panels and for the widgets, however not all of them will work on each screen.

1. Overview

match info small ibh

This is the main Overview file shows the teams top to bottom. This option is also enabled by default.

match info overview ibh

This is the Overview (Small) option which shows the teams side-by-side and takes up less space than the other option. This option is also enabled by default.

3. Formation

match formation panel ibh

This is the default Formation panel, showing shirts and names. You can also right click on it to change the orientation.

match formation small panel ibh

This is the small option which includes dots and names. You can also right click on it to change the orientation.

4. Both Formations

To change the content shown within these panels you'll need to edit the match both formations ibh_v or match both formations ibh_h depending on which one you want to change. Inside those files you just need to change the linked files and again there is one for each team. Changing it in those files will adjust it for each panel and screen.

5. Player Ratings

match team stats ibh bottom

This is the default option, which keeps the subbed players on the bench when brought on.

match team stats ibh top

This is the alternative option, which is the same as above but puts the subs into the first XI when brought on.

match team stats pmr

This is file is slightly different and is the default option for the match in between highlights panel review panel.

6. Motivation (Body Language)

match team motivation short ibh bottom

This is the default option, which keeps the subbed players on the bench when brought on.

match team motivation short ibh top

This is the alternative option, which is the same as above but puts the subs into the first XI when brought on.

match team motivation short pmr

This is file is slightly different and is the default option for the match in between highlights panel review panel.

7. Both Team Ratings

To change the content shown within these panels you'll need to edit the match both team stats ibh (in-match) or match both team stats pmr (post-match) files depending on which screen you want to edit. Inside those files you just need to change the linked files and again there is one for each team. Changing it in those files will adjust it for each panel within that screen.

Whilst I have only included a few options this year (due to being able to add more in-game) you can also point the file path to the default files or custom files if you have made your own in the same way, you just need to know the filename.

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