FM2013 Match in Between Highlights Mod v2

The match screen for Football Manager 2013 seems to have gone through a major change - we now seem to have a hybrid TV-Classic view mode only with the major change being that when there are no hightlights you are left on the pitch view instead of switching back to the last panel you were on, instead we are left with a small pop-up giving us some information like the old TV-View widgets.

Thankfully this pop-up is editable, which is what this mode does it resizes the pop-up and modifies the content of the panels to show the full panel details where possible.

Verison 2 has brought about a few more changes:

- It is now possible to display two panels on the screen at one (like the split view).

- You can adjust the ratio between the two panels like in split view mode, and even hide one panel completly.

v2. Screenshots:

v1. Screenshots:

v1 Screens show:

- Modified Overview screen showing scores and kits.

- Two new options for the Match Stats screen - one with the barchart like the full panel screens and another based on the widget which is more of a classic view and also allows you to customize the options.

- Formation screen modified to also show the names of the players.

- New Formation screen showing the formations of both sides together.

- Body Language screen now shows rating and condition.

- Player Rating screen showing the full stats for your side.

- Player Rating screnn showing the default ratings screen but for both sides together.

- You can also customize the size of the panel (however not in game).

Installation Instructions:

Extract the relevant zip file and copy the 'match in between highlights panel.xml' file into the panels folder for the skin you are using.

If you are using the default skins you'll need to download the revelant base skin and copy the file into the panels folder for that skin and select that skin in game.

After you have done that you will now need to open the 'match in between highlights panel.xml' file with a text editor (such as notepad) as you will need to resize it to best match the resolution you are using.

In the file you need to locate this bit of code at the top of the file:

<panel width="1000" height="500">

And adjust the width and height values to what you prefer fitting within your screen resolution. When setting the height if you are using the default/base skins it is best to deduct 200-250 pixels from your resolution and set that as the height.

By default I have enabled the custom views and for the match stats screen I have enabled the floating view. One restriction is that you cannot have all views for one screen enabled at the same time you'll need to choose which views you want enabled by editing the xml file.

I've commented the file to let you know which each view shows so it should be fairly easy to edit, for example I'll show you how to change which match stats view is shown.

There are three views for the match stats panel controlled by the following lines of code:


<!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats overview"/> -->

<!-- 2 Splitview Match Stats (Bar Chart) -->

<!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats"/> -->

<!-- 2 Floating Match Stats - customizable, classic sytle -->

<widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats floating"/>

By default the last option is enabled (highlighted in blue above).

To change the view that is shown you need to comment out the active code and then uncomment out the line of code you want (commented out code is all text between <!-- and --> - if you use notepad++ or a webpage editor commented out code will normaly show in green).

We will now amend the code so that the Bar Chart view is enabled in the game, so we need to delete the <!-- and --> from line 4 above (that I have bolded above) and add <!-- at the start of line 6 (blue line) and add --> at the end of the line to disable this code as such:


<!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats overview"/> -->

<!-- 2 Splitview Match Stats (Bar Chart) -->

<widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats"/>

<!-- 2 Floating Match Stats - customizable, classic sytle -->

<!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" title="Match Stats" id="mtst" file="match stats floating"/> -->

To edit the left hand panel you need to edit the coding between the <!-- LEFT SIDE PANEL --> comments, to edit the right hand panel you need to edit the coding between the <!-- RIGHT SIDE PANEL --> comments further down the file

When you are happy save the file and load the game.

To get your changes to show you’ll need to go into the Preferences -> Interface Menu and untick 'Use Caching' if it is ticked and then tick 'Reload Skin when confirming' then click confirm (or reload skin) and your changes should be applied.

There are two download links depending on what version of FM2013 you are playing - full FM2013 mode or Football Manager Classic Mode (FMC) the editing and installing of the files are dealt with in the same way, just the other coding in the files are slightly different so make sure you download the correct one for the mode you are using.

Download FM2013 Match in Between Highlights Mod

Download FMC2013 Match in Between Highlights Mod (For FMC Skins)

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